What's the point?

2 minute read time.

Tuesday 18th May

Pre-Chemo appointment number 3.

We saw the big boss today, i.e. Mr Geldart at Bournemouth Hospital, for the first time since John's initial diagnosis.  He told us that the blood tests showed promising results, i.e. that the chemo is working as it should.

I asked what stage John was at and he told us his cancer is Stage 4.  It will never ever be cured and there is no possible chance of an operation because it has spread so extensively.  The chemo will hopefully prolong his life but only for a matter of months.

John will be having another IV infusion on Friday and another three weeks later.  Then comes the CT scan which will show definitely what effect it has had on the tumour(s).  They will then decide whether to go ahead with another four sessions.

My mind is in a whirl.  Is all this suffering John has had to endure worth just a few miserable months?  What if he decides not to go ahead with the treatment - will he suffer even more or could we possibly expect a few months when we could enjoy life together?  All I know is that this is not living and it's not BLOODY fair!

I don't want to remember him like this, a shadow of his former self with all the light gone from his lovely brown eyes.  I want us to laugh together like we used to but all the laughter has gone out of our lives now.

I don't know how to talk to him any more.  It always comes back to this dreadful pigging disease that's ruling our lives.  I feel I should ask him about what funeral arrangements he would like but how on earth do you broach a subject like that?  It's like saying "I've given up on you!"  I don't even know if he believes in God any more - I know I certainly don't!

And then I look beyond the inevitable and I just can't begin to imagine what life will be without him.  I asked him today to wait for me - wherever it is that we end up going when we're not on this earth any more. 

I hope he does, along with all the other loved ones we have both lost - animals and people.  When I close my eyes I visualise a beautiful meadow filled with flowers, happy laughing people and gambolling pets who will never be parted again and will never suffer sickness and pain  - is that Heaven?  I hope such a place exists because, if it doesn't, what's the point of all this? 

  • FormerMember

    oh madge, my heart is breaking with yours ,the tears are now flowing again, i cant say anything to make it better, apart from i have been their ,i know exactly how your feeling , and no its not bloody fair , when the times right funeral arrangements will come up ,i dreaded it but it did and was so hard but it has to be done,and im glad in a way as i felt ju,s funeral was beautiful.

    i dont what else to say without making you feel worse, so ill stop and just say love you lots, massive hugs for you both ,and im here always xxxxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi jenni

    You're such a good friend - always there with comforting words to offer.  Thank you so much and I'm sorry to open up wounds in your heart again when you're doing so well. *hugs*

    I find blogging very therapeutic - it's a way of letting everything out, things I don't talk about to my friends and family.  The only people who can see it are my friends on here and I know that they will understand exactly what I'm going through because they've been there themselves.

    Once again jenni, thank you for being so supportive.

    Love you loads! x x x x x

  • FormerMember

    madge im not sure quite what to say,

    except we will all be here for you =) whenever u need a hug or someone to talk to...whenever you need a laugh we will be here....

    i didnt ever used to blog, i just used to let it all out in chat.. but now i do both lol...

    big hugs to you... maybe a real one soon

    love emma  xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Madge

    my husband has inoperable oesophagus cancer too,before having 6 courses of ECX chemo he was only eating  soups and mashed up food,he sailed through the chemo and has had nearly 5 months of nearly normal eating.He is still feeling really well apart from the eating which is starting to play up again so hang on in there and hopefully the chemo will help a lot ,I will be keeping my fingers crossed for him.Tom has never once said 'why me' or moaned abou his illness I just wish I could be the same.

    love to you both

    Marianne x  

  • FormerMember

    Hi Madge. I am in a very similar place to you. my lovley husband has stage 4 cancer and has suffered horrible side effects from the chemo (which unfortunatley has not worked). I too no longer believe in God and struggle with whats the point. but i have to keep upbeat because he is doing his best to stay positive and our children dont need to see me in tears constantly, so we just carry on dont we. please feel free to pm me if you want to talk

    Clare x