Tomorrow is 'crunch' day

1 minute read time.

Monday, 16th May 2011

Well, tomorrow is the day John makes a decision about whether to carry on with his chemo treatment.  We've had a bit of a bad day today. 

Gemma woke me up at 5.30 to go outside and then proceeded to sniff her way round the garden which didn't put me in a very good mood. 

Then, later (not at 5.30!)  I decided to mow the lawn which is beginning to look like a hay field and immediately ran over the flex - good job we've got a circuit breaker! 

To cap it all John drove over some dog poo in his scooter! 

I apologised to John for getting so upset about these incidents and explained that they seemed even worse because of what he's going through and the decision he's going to have to make tomorrow.  He then said that he would carry on which is not what I meant!  It's totally his decision.  If the chemo is making him feel so rotten then I think he should tell them to stop. 

I think we're going to have a good heart to heart talk to the doctor tomorrow and ask him/her exactly what they think the prognosis will be if he does stop.  Time to face up to things but I'm dreading it.

Madge x x x x

  • FormerMember


    Will be thinking of you both

    Love and hugs

    Max xxx

  • FormerMember

    hi maggie this is so hard, my dads concultant  made the decision for my dad, he was to ill and had chest infections one after the other, they also found an enlarged heart (heart faliure) so that was it.... has you know everyday is so special with your love ones, and he will do the best thing only he know how he feels to you just go day by day ..........leann xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Madge,Thinking of you both.Chrisx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Madge, thinking of you today and sending you all the best for your difficult appointment. The decisions you have to make with this disease are so so tough. We've been lucky so far but I'm guessing that we'll reach the same point if my dad's chest infections continue and the tumour squashing his spinal column keeps growing. And you're quite right about the little incidents, when you're tired and stressed it's the little things that drive you up the wall. I had a proper tantrum yesterday because a stack of paper fell off the desk. Sigh. Good luck for today, Vikki xxxx