Thinking of requesting a hospital bed.

2 minute read time.

Time for another blog, although there's no change so far as John's pain is concerned.  The reason I'm considering asking for a hospital bed is because he wakes up in so much pain in the mornings.  I think the reason might be that he lies in one position all night long.  He can only lie on one side and this might be for 11 hours at a time if he goes to bed at 9pm and wakes up at 8am. 

I noticed when he was in the Mac Unit that he was able to lie on his back and side because of the special air mattress (can't remember what it's called), but is asking for a hospital bed a step too far?  It's like admitting that we're at the beginning of the end but if it makes him more comfortable I think we should go for it.  What do you think?

We have a very comfy sofa bed in the lounge which I could sleep on so there would be no problem there.  But I'd really miss lying beside him - we've hardly slept apart since we first met. :0(

Another problem is the 'swimmy' feeling he keeps feeling in his head and problems with his eyesight.  He's convinced it's the pain meds although the MacMillan Nurse says it's 'all part of the condition', whatever that means.

We've requested a wheelchair but he says he would feel to embarrassed to go out in it.  I however feel that a change of scenery would do him a power of good.  When I was out with Gemma this afternoon, she kept looking back for him (she's even been known to run back to the car with her ball in case John's there) and I wished he was with us too.  We walked through the town gardens and then sat in a pretty park looking at the flowers and I'm sure it would have lifted his spirits if only he could have been there with us.  Just keeping my fingers crossed that he will change his mind when the chair arrives tomorrow and will feel up to a little trip out into the fresh air.

What else?  Oh yes.  I actually had my hair cut this afternoon.  I found a hairdresser who didn't mind me taking Gemma in with me and now I can see where I'm going.  My fringe was getting so long I was considering buying a hair slide but I don't think it's a look that would suit me.

I think that's all for now.  I'm going to copy this blog because I've been having problems posting.  Everything disappears and it's very irritating when I've typed at length.  Anyone else experiencing this?

Take care everyone.  You know that I love you all very much.

Lots of love and *hugs*, Madge x x x x x

  • FormerMember

    Hi all you luverly people,

    Sadly, I can't sleep in the same room as John if we have a hospital bed.  The bedroom's far too small with built in furniture.  The loung is only next door though so I won't be too far away.

    Still trying to make our minds up.

    The wheelchair arrived today and is waiting in the shed for me to find somewhere to put the buggie (which is in the boot of the car) so I can load it up for when he does venture out.  Anyone got a spare garage? :0)

    Lots of love and *hugs*, Madge x x x x x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Madge.  Mum wasn't keen on the idea of the wheelchair at first but she soon got used to it and it allowed her to get out of the house.  You definitely need an air mattress, mum was given one and it made a big difference.  Love to you both.  Caroline XX