Thinking of requesting a hospital bed.

2 minute read time.

Time for another blog, although there's no change so far as John's pain is concerned.  The reason I'm considering asking for a hospital bed is because he wakes up in so much pain in the mornings.  I think the reason might be that he lies in one position all night long.  He can only lie on one side and this might be for 11 hours at a time if he goes to bed at 9pm and wakes up at 8am. 

I noticed when he was in the Mac Unit that he was able to lie on his back and side because of the special air mattress (can't remember what it's called), but is asking for a hospital bed a step too far?  It's like admitting that we're at the beginning of the end but if it makes him more comfortable I think we should go for it.  What do you think?

We have a very comfy sofa bed in the lounge which I could sleep on so there would be no problem there.  But I'd really miss lying beside him - we've hardly slept apart since we first met. :0(

Another problem is the 'swimmy' feeling he keeps feeling in his head and problems with his eyesight.  He's convinced it's the pain meds although the MacMillan Nurse says it's 'all part of the condition', whatever that means.

We've requested a wheelchair but he says he would feel to embarrassed to go out in it.  I however feel that a change of scenery would do him a power of good.  When I was out with Gemma this afternoon, she kept looking back for him (she's even been known to run back to the car with her ball in case John's there) and I wished he was with us too.  We walked through the town gardens and then sat in a pretty park looking at the flowers and I'm sure it would have lifted his spirits if only he could have been there with us.  Just keeping my fingers crossed that he will change his mind when the chair arrives tomorrow and will feel up to a little trip out into the fresh air.

What else?  Oh yes.  I actually had my hair cut this afternoon.  I found a hairdresser who didn't mind me taking Gemma in with me and now I can see where I'm going.  My fringe was getting so long I was considering buying a hair slide but I don't think it's a look that would suit me.

I think that's all for now.  I'm going to copy this blog because I've been having problems posting.  Everything disappears and it's very irritating when I've typed at length.  Anyone else experiencing this?

Take care everyone.  You know that I love you all very much.

Lots of love and *hugs*, Madge x x x x x

  • FormerMember

    Oh Madge, I do feel for you...

    Have you thought that you could get the mattress for him on one side of your bed and a single mattress for your side so you can stay together but him be comfy? My aunt and uncle have 2 single mattresses on their double bed for bad backs... P and I have 2 singles next to eachother as well... best of both worlds.

    Tell him you will set me on him if he doesn't go out in the wheelchair... tell him he never never ever needs to feel embarrassed about anything and if you want I will come over and run in front waving my bag at people shouting whoo hoo to distract them if that is what it takes!!!!

    Glad you got a haircut... I reckon I can sit on a normal chair long enough now for me to get one too... so also might be able to see where I'm going!

    I keep losing posts too.... good idea to copy them first... you are clever!

    Love you lots,Madge and hope you get it sorted.. see if you can go for 2 singles at least rather than the sofa as you will feel lonely I think...

    A big hug to you, Little My xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Madge, I think Little My has come up with a sensible suggestion (don't tell her I used the word sensible in connection to her or she might get upset!).

    If that's not possible I don't see anything wrong with applying for a hospital bed, although I can understand that you want to lie beside John.

    I've seen the ads for the beds that can be adjusted at the push of a button, don't know if that would be an alternative for you.

    As for the wheelchair, I understand how John feels, but, I'm sure that after he's ventured out once or twice he won't feel so embarrassed. I hope he changes his mind, I'm sure getting out of the house for a while will do him the world of good.

    Love and best wishes, Christine xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Madge! Maybe if you can only get a mattress for his bed then you could get a cheapo high single bed and pop it next to John's bed to make a supersize bed that has his comfy air mattress AND the ability to give him a hug?? The mattress is a good idea because they help prevent pressure sores developing if a person spends a lot of time in bed. Congratulations on the haircut,  the world will look different without your fringe in front of it!! Glad John is ticking along ok, long may it last xxx

  • John's comfort is paramount so do go for a hospital bed. Certainly sleep in the same room so you can be close.

    Cyber hugs for you too,


  • FormerMember

    My Dear Madge

    Been worried about you and John, go for the air mattress love, can always sleep on top of him :)

    Do you need some "L" plates for the wheelchair?

    Sure once you get him out he will love it, especially with Gemma on his lap hitching a ride xx

    Had my hair cut too, got to stop talking to her while she cuts. Used clippers all round the sides, so short now might have to wear a scarf ha ha.

    Lots of hugsfor you both and Jo

    Shaz (((((((((((((((XXX))))))))))))))