The End of John's Journey

1 minute read time.

I'm sitting in my daughter's lounge with her laptop, not something I'm used to, and hoping this will be published.  They're all in bed - not early risers - so it's just Gemma and me.

As y0u all kn0w J0hn passed away 0n M0nday.  By the way, I'm using the zer0 0n here because the pr0per letter 0 d0esn't w0rk very well and I have t0 hit it several times!

N0w that I'm 0n line I d0n't really kn0w what t0 say except that I miss him s0 very much and that I will tell y0u m0re ab0ut the end 0f J0hn's j0urney when I get h0me after the funeral.

He's being buried 0n M0nday 5th September, his birthday, at the beautiful W00dland Burial Gr0und.  I've been very busy with J0 arranging everything but in a way it helps because it's all f0r him. 

Thank y0u s0 much f0r all y0ur c0mf0rting w0rds.  I want t0 resp0nd but it's difficult here.  Nikki's h0use is n0t the m0st peaceful 0r 0rganised but it is helping having them all ar0und me and the rest 0f my family have been w0nderful. 

Signing 0ff f0r a while n0w but I'll be back with y0u all s00n. 

Madgex x x x x x x

  • FormerMember

    hi madge

    just to let you know i am thinking of you and my thoughts are with you. my father in law is buried in the woodland burial ground at walkford and it is truly beautiful there

    lots of love and hugs sent to you all

    wendie x x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Madge

    Good to know you're hanging in there - and keeping busy on something so beautiful.  I hope things go well on the day.  In the meantime, take your time, get out in the fresh air (and sunshine - if there's any to be had where you are), and take Gemma for lots of nice walks!  

    Time to look after yourself now for a while.

    Lots of love, Ann x

  • FormerMember

    Hello madge, just a line to say sorry for your loss and I wish you comfort in the days ahead.  If all we needed was love in order to live you both would be here today.  God bless, keep well.  Ann x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Madge,

    Don't feel like you have to reply to us, we know what you would say (and I am inpressed wth your laptop skills!) , just always know we are here with you all the way especially when you go back home.

    So glad you are at your daughter's... it does help having people around you and little Gemma of course. The woodlands place sounds lovely.

    Biggest squeeziest hug to you my dearest Madge

    Little Myxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    How lovely that John is being buried amongst trees. I'm sure as you are all planning his burial you will be exchanging loads of lovely memories with family and friends.

    Love and hugs xxx