Sometimes this seems like a bad dream I wish we could wake up from.

1 minute read time.

Wednesday 1st June 2011

Things are not getting any better!

Got an appointment at the Doctors Surgery yesterday and saw a locum.  To give her her due, she was very thorough in examining John and trying to discover why he is suffering from so much pain and nausea.  His blood pressure has gone up slightly so she put him back on a low dose of Ramipril.

She also prescribed a higher dose of Oxynorm (10mls.) and prescribed Paracetamol for the pain, but it's having no effect at all.  As I type this he is lying on his right side on the bed - the only way he can find relief.  He can't lie on the other side because it is too painful.  He hasn't been out for a couple of days, even on the buggie, because he feels so rough.  It's like he's shutting himself away from the world and it's breaking my heart.

I mentioned a GP referral to MacMillan but the locum said she had never referred anyone before.  She said to leave it with her but phoned later in the day to say that she didn't think it was appropriate at this time because she doesn't consider that John is at the end of his life.  Those were good words to hear but it doesn't solve our problem. 

The CT scan is tomorrow but then we have to wait another seven days before we see the Oncologist for the results.  I'm thinking of phoning the Oncology Department in the afternoon (after the scan) to ask them to hurry up the results and explain to them what John is going through right now.  I don't think he can take much more.

Madge x x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Madge, So sorry John is feeling so poorly. I think you should contact hossy and explain whats going on they can refer john to macmillan. John should be having pain relief and sounds like he needs help.

    Hope you can get things sorted soon hugs Rosie

  • In this day and age NO-ONE should be in pain. Rattle cages, shout, scream, threaten folk with your MP. Sometimes we can be TOO polite for our own good!

    Best wishes,


  • FormerMember

    Hi Madge

    Make a stand and get John the pain relief and attention he needs from the medics. Its no fair that you are both suffering.

    I am sending you all good things, love and hugs and hope hope hope you will turn a corner very soon

    Jules xx

  • FormerMember

    When I left hospital after lung surgery I was appointed a lung support Macmillan Nurse. Any questions, I just phone her. Something seems amiss here ,you are not getting the support you need. First thing my Mac nurse said was "Dont suffer in silence, shout out, thats what we are here for ".

    Best wishes and a hug for you both, this bloody disease hits both of you.

    Bill xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Madge,Ring your own doctor and ask who your mac nurse is for your practice,also ask for her name and number,dont take no for an answer ring her yourself and ask her to see you and John a.s.a.p.ours came and in the afternoon my pete was on morphine patch and oromorph syrup when required,do it now it is not just for end of life either ours is a godsend i even had a wheelchair the next day.p.m. me if you want more advice.Love Chris.x