My head's in a spin!

1 minute read time.

John has been in a lot of pain and increasing his pain relief isn't helping.  He spends most of his time lying in bed or on the sofa in a daze from the medicine.  I'm collecting a prescription for Dexamethasone later today - a steroid which helps control pain.  He's to take that for a week and his meds will be reviewed again.  I'm so hoping they'll do the trick because the poor love is exhausted and hasn't been out of the house since coming home from hospital last Tuesday.

Our lives are well and truly controlled by this awful disease now.  We eat, sleep and talk about it all the time.  I can't even sleep in the same bed because the air mattress takes up so much room and we're surrounded by medicines and leaflets. 

The outpatients appointment looms on Thursday!  We know the scan results aren't good and he does have the option of a trial treatment which doesn't sound very satisfactory at all.  If he agrees, he won't even know if he's accepted or not - half the patients will be on chemo and the other half not, and they'll compare the results.  As far as I'm concerned I don't want him treated like a guinea pig at this late stage and I don't think he can take any more chemo any way.  The final decision will be made on Thursday but I know that John feels the same way as I do. 

So, where do we go from here?  Who knows?  I'm hoping and praying that they can relieve his pain and sickness so that I can get him out for a bit, even if it is raining!  He's going stir crazy stuck in the flat all day and it makes him dwell on his symptoms all the time.

I'm sorry to rant but I feel like I'm going out of my mind and I need to get it off my chest.  My head is going round and round in circles so I'll sign off now.

Love to all my wonderful friends.

A really Mad Madge, x x x x x x x

  • FormerMember

    Madge hun if I had a magic wand i would wave it over you and John for all things good but i dont and so here we all are stuck with this evil monster in our lives!

    Dont ever be sorry for ranting thats what we are here for and as long as it makes you feel better then do it.

    Take care and i hope that Thursday goes the best way it can.  I will be having my op then so lets all think positive for each other.

    Love Jules xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Madge hope you can get johns pain relief sorted!

    You can rant as much as you like its what we are here for. Will hold John in my prayer for thursday.

    Love Rosie

  • In this day and age no-one should have to endure pain. Please rattle cages and ask for more painkilling drugs. I suffer from chronic pain, thankfully not cancer-related, but I've had to nag my G.P. until she's sick of the sight of me!  

    Wishing you strength,


  • FormerMember

    Hi Madge,

    the real problem is sorting an adequate level of pain relief for john while maintaining a balancing or level of consciousness and perception. The pain itself is debilitating  and saps the strength so no wonder he is so tired..

    There is just one point I disagree with and in no way do I want to hurt or offend you. Every carer demands the best possible care, support and medication for their loved ones - and quite rightly !!

    But heres the rub. Possible cures need to be blind tested, quite simply - do they have a positive out come in extending life or reducing tumor's to a level where proven effective treatments can be re-introduced.

    The sad point is to prove a drug is effective then they need a control, a group of patients, some of whom receive the treatment, some receive the placebo. I know mine is inoperable so at some stage it possible I will asked to take part in such a trial. I am not brave, certainly do not see myself as some sort of a martyr, but the end of the day there are several outcomes.

    I may receive the trial drug and maybe its effective, So result huh ?

    I may receive the trial drug and maybe its not effective, so it means - Science pursues a different investigating path ?

    I get the chalk placebo, so no difference, but am I really worse off ?  I will of contributed to a drugs trial that may mean in time an effective drug is discovered, at worst no more time wasted on that ineffective drug, but still in the same position I would of been in anyway.

    All patients want to live, or at least be granted more time, we all hope we are the 50% getting the new miracle cure, but then the fact its  50% says it all. No one is suggesting 50% should abandon existing treatment or take a treatment that has been proved harmful, just not offered an unproven trial treatment.

    Madge sorry to go on, easy for me - not in pain at this point and no carer wants anything but the best for their loved ones and all hope for the earth.

    Really do hope they get Johns pain management under control while returning the john you know and love to you.

    Love and Hugs to you both

    John xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Madge, I am so sorry that John is having such a lot of pain and that it's taking a long time to get his meds sorted.  I've been where you are now and it is unbearable to watch your loved one suffer so much and nothing you can do about it.  I will be thinking about you both on Thursday and praying every day that John feels well enough to get out and about.  Don't forget to take care of yourself too.  Love and massive hugs to you both.  Caroline XX