Make the World go away!

2 minute read time.

My head is spinning today.  It's been horrible.  I had dreams of me and John leading a quiet life when I got him home but it seems it's not to be.

It's been one long round of phone calls and visits from friends, nurses, etc. and both my phones haven't stopped ringing.  In between I've been administering John's drugs etc but neither of us has even had time to have a proper wash today.  I'm still in the clothes I flung on to take the dog out this morning and John's still in his pyjamas. 

He's been in a lot of pain and consequently I've had to 'top him up' with Oxynorm on top of the Oxycontin tablets he's taking (which were recently increased).  So the poor love has been very sleepy and hallucinating so that I can't take my eyes off him for a second in case he falls over or sets himself alight with a cigarette.  He gets cross about my hovering but it proved to be necessary earlier today when he got up too quickly and fell over!  Thank Heavens he wasn't anywhere near the stairs - they are a constant nightmare to me!

So, I'm waiting for him to be ready to go into the bathroom and then be put to bed (after yet another round of drugs) and hoping that we can have a peaceful evening.  I'm on the point of taking a hammer to the phones but they are a lifeline so I'd better let them be. 

His daughter has had a bad day too.  She'd planned to visit her dad for a couple of hours and then have a well earned day off with her dad.  However, John's been knocking back so much Oxynorm that it was rapidly running out and we needed some more.  The district nurse contacted the out of hours doctors who faxed through a prescription to a Boots Chemist some 3 miles away.  So, daughter motors off to pick up the prescription only to discover that they won't fill it because they need the original.  Where's the original?  Some 12 miles or so in the other direction!

She drove there to get it and went back to Boots.  It wasn't filled out properly so she had to take it back to the out of hours doctor, yet again!  Five hours later she returned to us with the prescription!  Is this some kind of record?

We are both hoping tomorrow will be a better day but I know that several visits are planned to see John about different matters so I don't expect it will be.

Sometimes I want to lock the door and just cuddle up with him.  Please someone, make the world go away!

  • FormerMember

    Oh Golly Madge - So much for a the day rest, eh.

    Just a thought with the phones, could you perhaps change your answerphone message (assuming you have one) to say that you are not taking calls please leave a message and you will get back to people as and when you can.

    You could always leave an update on the message that you change when you can to keep people informed on how John is.

    It may also be worth putting a do not disturb notice on your door.  I'm sure once people realise that although their concern is appreciated, it's not helping at the moment, I'm sure everyone will understand.

    I hope you and John are able to have a restful evening.

    Take care


  • FormerMember

    Hell Madge - how does one respond  to that - sorry lost for words - will you settle for a big friendly hug and a hope tomorrow is  better

    Love and Gentle hugs xx

    John xx

  • FormerMember

    Aw Madge, what a horrible day for you.

    Why not buy a cheap mobile phone and only give the number out to those who are very close and understand the need for some quiet time.

    I hope you are managing to have a much more restful time tonight.

    What a fiasco surrounding the prescription. Somehow it doesn't surprise me. You read about so many cock-ups on this site.

    Hope tomorrow is a much better day for one and all.

    Love, Christine xx

  • FormerMember

    hi madge...

    can totally relate to how u feel.i know when dad  came out of hospital/hospice it was endless rounds of friends family dr nurse does feel too much at times but mum had to learn the very hard word of NO to family and friends who wanted to much as she wanted them there she knew dad needed some rest time and if im honest he wanted his rest time with just mum. hopefully you will get into routine with carers,nurses etc...mum was always so very grateful for all the help and she did need it but like you she sometimes just wanted to shut the world away

    sending u and john lots of warm wishes and big hugs

    wendie x x

  • FormerMember

    Thinking of you both Madge,hope you have a peaceful night.Hugs Chris.xx