Is this the beginning of the end?

1 minute read time.

5th May 2011

I haven't been around here for a while but I think I might need some special support soon.  I feel very much alone at the moment because nobody who hasn't travelled this journey can fully understand what we're going through.

John has undergone five sessions of the planned eight of chemotherapy - infusions every three weeks and daily pills.  I thought he suffered enough last time with the dreadful side effects but this time round he's even worse.

He's getting weaker and weaker, his nose streams almost continuously and he's having problems with his sight.  His appetite is very poor, he's either constipated or suffers from diarrhoea and he's cold almost all of the time.  He's finding it hard to swallow too and his liquid intake is very low, no matter how hard I try to encourage him to drink.

I've finally persuaded him we need a buggie for him because he can't come out any more.  He tries but, after a few steps leaning on a stick, he simply doesn't have the strength to carry on.  He thought it was a sign that he was giving up but I've convinced him that it's not giving up.  To my mind he's giving up if he doesn't get a buggie because then he'll be trapped indoors.

Trouble is, we've had to buy a bigger car because no way was a buggie going to fit into our tiny little motor.  Hopefully we'll have both car and buggie next week!  Keep your fingers crossed!

Sorry to moan after such a long absence but I needed to get this off my chest.


  • FormerMember

    Your lovely messages are so encouraging.  We're picking up the buggie tomorrow morning but have to wait for the car - insurance docs not through yet and, as it was a mobility car and tax exempt, we can't tax it or drive it until they arrive!  At least he'll have the buggie and will be able to get around.  I'm not sure, but I think it will go on a bus too.

    I dragged him out today because he was getting so low but he had to sit in the car while I took doggie for a walk.  Afterwards though we went into our favourite beach cafe and chatted with our friends which raised his spirits a lot.  He's now recovering on the sofa, bless him.

    Once again, thank you so much!

    *Hugs* to you all.

    Madge x x x x

  • FormerMember

    Know what its like .  You're doing fine ,just keep going and take a little time to care for yourself .  Sending you hugs

  • FormerMember

    hello madge big hugs to you and your lovely husband .i hope that things improve for you and that he gets his buggy soon so that you can get out a bit more let us all know how you get on love valxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi is so important for you both to be able to go out together and hopefully now you can, staying in can pull you both down. I have ordered a lovely summer for you, loads of sunshine and loads of smiles, just being outside and chatting to friends will give you both such a boost. Take care Carol xx