If only I could get John out in the fresh air!

1 minute read time.

It's been a strange couple of days. 

Yesterday was the pits.  John was too poorly to let the palliative care nurse bathe him this morning and sat around in his pyjamas all day.  It wasn't the pain or sickness, he said, just a 'strange' feeling in his tummy area.  He was also very down in the dumps and I swear it's partly because he's stuck in the flat all day just moving from the bedroom to the dining room to the lounge and back again, if you know what I mean.  Not much of a life but he simply doesn't feel up to tackling the stairs.

We're being assessed for a stairlift on 3rd August but no guarantee whether we'll be approved or not.

Had a short visit from my daughter and son-in-law, but otherwise no-one came near us so I couldn't go out either.  Felt really trapped.

Today was better because John's daughter came this morning.  I'd made a big cottage pie for lunch and John ate quite a bit.  He's been in a lot of pain today and feeling very groggy but slightly more cheerful.  Jo and I put our heads together over how we could get him out but couldn't come up with anything.  I even thought of renting a small house so he could go into the garden on fine days but there would still be the problem of the dratted stairs and not many rentals allow pets.

I did 'escape' for a couple of hours with little Gemma and she had a lovely run and chased after her ball.  We shared an ice cream and then walked around the local market and charity shops before having a cup of coffee.  If only John could have enjoyed it with us.  :0(

A MacMillan nurse visited this afternoon and has upped his pain meds again.  I hope that will do the trick because he is still in great pain in the mornings.  She spoke about admitting him again but he's adamant he doesn't want to go and I will abide by his wishes. 

Take care everyone.  Madge x x x x x

  • FormerMember

    Oh Madge!  If only I could sent you my father in law's stair lift!  It made all the difference to him (and to us).  Fingers and toes crossed for you: stairlift, sunny days and a break.

    All the very best

    Georgia XXX

  • FormerMember

    Hi Madge,

    Have a look here: www.dogstrust.org.uk/.../default.aspx

    Dogs Trust have teamed up with Welcome Cottages to put together a list of holiday rental places that'll accept dogs and there's bound to be some in your area because they have them all over the country. I think they have some bungalows and some with disabled access. It certainly might be worth a quick look if you've got the time and it might cheer him up, having something to look forward to? Fingers crossed that the stairlift is approved, if not I'll write your local PCT a very sternly worded letter expressing my disapproval at their lack of caring!

    All the best and I hope John has a better day today, Vikki xxx

  • FormerMember

    You're all so lovely.  

    John is having a better day today.  The day didn't start off too well because the bathlift isn't working properly.  Luckily I tested it before I filled it - zilch!  Any way, the OT came today and she thinks the battery's knackered!  She's going to report it so it's showers till then - not easy for him as he has trouble standing for any length of time.

    The OT has also measured him for a wheelchair as we don't think he's up to driving his buggie any more IF we manage to get out of the flat.

    I don't think he's up to a holiday either, more's the pity, although I have considered going to a hotel in Bournemouth set up by MacMillan.  We'll see how it goes.

    All we need is to get this dratted pain sorted out.  We were always led to believe that he needn't be in any pain but that doesn't seem to be the case.

    Love to you all, Madge x x x x x

  • FormerMember

    Dear Madge, hope you all have a better day today. (the stairlift my stepdad (also a John) had was arranged by the Mac nurse - who also arranged for the local hospice  to do 'at home' care , as he also was adamant about not going back into hospital.

    Thinking of you, Val XX