I can't do anything right!

1 minute read time.

Saturday 8th May

Oh dear.  It's a bad day already and it's only just past noon.  I've been trying so hard but, in John's eyes, I'm getting everything wrong.

He's been feeling very poorly and, as a consequence, is very touchy.  Mistakes so far today:

1.  Didn't pour his water out to let it warm because he's not supposed to drink cold drinks.  Putting water in from the kettle to warm it is not an option because he doesn't like the taste.

2.  Bought him some pyjamas and he didn't like the colour and didn't need them any way.  As he is wearing his pyjamas more and more nowadays I thought it would be nice to have a new pair as the old ones are looking decidely tatty.

3.  Bought him some ready meals.  He didn't like the mini-pizzzas four cheese ones - would have preferred the pepperami.  The cottage pies were too big, and so were the chicken hotpots.

4.  He loves cake so I bought him some tiny fairy cakes in case he might fancy one.  Response:  "They'll only go waste!"

I love him dearly but this is really wearing me down.  I'm only doing these things with the best intentions and I'm afraid I got a bit cross with him which made me feel guilty.  It seems I can't win today. :0(

To add to my woes, my lovely granddaughter won't be coming round today as planned because she has a sore throat and I didn't think it was advisable to expose John to anything that might be contagious.  I shall miss her cheery face and she always makes John smile.

  • FormerMember

    Rainbow Chaser



  • FormerMember

    Thank you so much for all your encouraging words.  I know that it's because he's feeling so poorly and, yes, he has apologised.  I've told him how much I love him and I know he loves me too.

    He looks so vulnerable sitting there with his poor bald head and his pale face, all wrapped up in a blanket because he's cold,  and I just want to hug him but I have to be careful because it hurts him! :(

    Never mind, tomorrow's another day and I hope and pray he will be feeling a lot better.

    Loved the poem Rainbow Chaser.  It sums things up absolutely!

  • FormerMember

    Hi madge. Sorry to hear you've had a bad day.  I've been there with my mum, couldn't do right for doing wrong.  A while after she would dissolve in tears and apologise telling me how much she loved and appreciated me.  My heart went out to her every time and yes I felt guilty because once or twice I had fired back at her.  I think this is part of the road we are all walking.  It's a rocky road but we all stick at it no matter how tough it gets.  Keep your chin up.  Caroline XX

  • FormerMember

    thinking of you Madge x

  • FormerMember

    oh madge its so hard we love them so much and its really hard to take , but you will just remember when he snaps or complains he doesnt mean it , ju used to leave me notes to say sorry and thankyou ,just so i knew he appreciated what i was doing, so take heart from that huni , my trick was to bite my lip and leave the room and sometimes hide in bathroom and cry, but i always knew how much ju loved me ,he made very sure of that , and im always here if you want my ear :) xx