I can't do anything right!

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Saturday 8th May

Oh dear.  It's a bad day already and it's only just past noon.  I've been trying so hard but, in John's eyes, I'm getting everything wrong.

He's been feeling very poorly and, as a consequence, is very touchy.  Mistakes so far today:

1.  Didn't pour his water out to let it warm because he's not supposed to drink cold drinks.  Putting water in from the kettle to warm it is not an option because he doesn't like the taste.

2.  Bought him some pyjamas and he didn't like the colour and didn't need them any way.  As he is wearing his pyjamas more and more nowadays I thought it would be nice to have a new pair as the old ones are looking decidely tatty.

3.  Bought him some ready meals.  He didn't like the mini-pizzzas four cheese ones - would have preferred the pepperami.  The cottage pies were too big, and so were the chicken hotpots.

4.  He loves cake so I bought him some tiny fairy cakes in case he might fancy one.  Response:  "They'll only go waste!"

I love him dearly but this is really wearing me down.  I'm only doing these things with the best intentions and I'm afraid I got a bit cross with him which made me feel guilty.  It seems I can't win today. :0(

To add to my woes, my lovely granddaughter won't be coming round today as planned because she has a sore throat and I didn't think it was advisable to expose John to anything that might be contagious.  I shall miss her cheery face and she always makes John smile.

  • FormerMember

    (((madge))) that old saying springs to mind `we only hurt the ones we love`  I understand how you are feeling I went through this with my sister and my Dad..we can only do our best madge and thats what you are doing.John is just taking out his frustrations on you because he loves and trusts you and knows you will still be there to love and support him whatever he does.  Its hard I know and it makes the days hard to get through doesnt it. Have a good cry and a hot cuppa or something stronger:) and you will feel stronger again..or if its a nice day take it out on a bit of gardening...i used to take my dog for  walk for a few minutes just to get some fresh air it always helped.

    Try not to be hard on yourself for getting cross its understandable because its hurtful when you are doing everything you can to help. im sending you a big hug and hope that your day gets better later, maybe John will feel a bit better by then. Take care love scarlet xxxx

  • FormerMember

    ohh mad xxxxx dont be guilty,ur human,and u need a rest,a nice big drink,and someone to pamper u ill be round wen u wantxxxx wish i cud .

    johns not himself,and hell hate to think ur upset,cos im  sure he adores u as much as u adore him

    give him a great big hug,wether he likes it or not xxxxx

    thinkin of u darling,


  • FormerMember

    Chin up sorry your having a bad day it isnt fair to take it out on nearest and dearest but were all aa bit guilty of it sometimes. I bet John does know what a pest hes being today and he prob feels a bit guilty also he only being a pest cos he feeling lousy and fed up. i know when i have a rant that im being unfair and i do feel guilty for it. I do try and make it up to my boyfriend a bit later. Sending you a big hug and hope John and yourself feel better later on. If not escape for a bit and engage in retail therapy! xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Madge

    Sorry today's a bad one.

    It sounds like your living with a teenager at the moment! Can't do right for doing wrong.

    I got grumpy and fussy, even though I tried very hard not to, then spent ages apologising for being unreasonable.  I live on my own with my son and my poor mother could never do anything right.  She would go shopping for me and buy alternatives if they hadn't got what I wanted (that was wrong!)  Next time she would come back without, instead of buying alternatives (that was wrong!)  She would wash up for me (that was wrong!)

    It was just frustration that I couldn't do things for myself.  It used to come over me in waves.

    I can understand the PJs - I would have thought "I dont need more - I'll be better soon".  The cakes - I would have thought, "I don't deserve them as I've been rotten to people".

    I could sense everyone walking on egg shells near me - which just made me worse.  I used to want to scream at them "Just be normal"

    My suggestion would be - don't fuss, ask him what he wants and only do or get the things he says.  Don't try to think for him.

    I know it all sounds unreasonable behavour - but that's the way I asked people to deal with me and it helped - I hate being fussed over.

    My boyfriend got the level right - he had to come and stay with me, as I wasn't allowed to be left alone overnight.  

    He had prepared me rice krispies one morning for me to have in bed and I grumbled because there were too many and too much milk, never mind that he had made the effort!  

    The next morning, he brought it all up and dumped it on my bed - the box of rice krispies, a bowl, a spoon and the bottle of milk!  "There you go" and then went back down stairs, brilliant, what could I say?  Tough love!

    Big hugs to you - you are doing a brilliant job in tough circumstances.

    Jo x

  • FormerMember

    Hold me close   but go away

    vist me   but please dont stay

    talk to me      dont speak

    I need you now    but come back next week

    emotions muddled   needs unknown

    to be with others    on myown

    to scream out loud

    to rant to shout

    to hide away and push you out

    when I smile...she cant be that bad

    when I shout...she's going mad

    when I speak what do I say

    if I  show my tears    will you walk away

    Icarry on the best way I know

    but this pain inside just wont go

    So my family and friends accept the lot

    I cry I shout I loose the plot

    I dont know what I need today

    So hold me close     and go away