First Chemo Session

1 minute read time.

9th April 2010

John had his first session of chemotherapy today.  We were both very apprehensive but the staff in the unit couldn't have been kinder.  There was an awful lot to take in regarding side effects and what he should and shouldn't do while undergoing the treatment.

He is to take two types of tablets daily and will receive IV drugs, including a clinical trial, every three weeks. 

During our visit today, he developed severe stomach pain and then realised that he hadn't taken his pain meds before setting off for the hospital.  The nurse overseeing him brought him some paracetamol and oramorph but the pain persisted so she got a doctor to check him over.  The gave him an ECG too, just to make sure it wasn't his heart.

Eventually, the pain subsided and the treatment was carried out.  First the clinical trial was administered (30 minutes), then the first dose of regular chemo which was a red liquid given through an enormous syringe directly into the tube, followed by another bag of chemo which took two hours.  All in all we were there for a total of five hours.

We were both very tired after the session, partly because it was such a lot to take in and partly from the actual experience.  He was sent home with a bagful of tablets which included anti-sickness and two lots of chemo and instructions on how and when to take them.  Our heads were spinning.  He already takes so many tablets for other things that we're running out of space!

So far (10.30pm) no symptoms but these will kick in in the next 10-12 days.  He did suffer a painful muscle spasm near the site of the IV and his arm is still very painful.

It was made clear to him that he MUST keep up his pain meds even if he isn't in any pain to keep it under control.

Poor John.  He's sitting there tonight looking so stunned and tired and working up the energy to get himself ready for bed.  Will life ever get back to normal?

  • FormerMember

    Hello to both of you, can't make any promises no-one can but as you get used to the routine it does get easier.

    Take it easy both of you you're not in a race it doesn't matter how long it takes to do things just do your best and take your time and hey if you're not feeling up to much or going out do what I used to do have a duvet day, stay in your pyjamas and wrap up in your duvet.

    I can reccomend them they work wonders and as I embark on my second battle I certainly intend to have few more and now the weather is warming up, sitting in the garden listening to the birds singing with a cup of tea also sounds quite good too.

    Sending lots love to you both.


  • FormerMember

    Hi madge.  Glad to hear John has done ok with his first chemo.  I remember mums first there was so much to take in and we were much like you and John when we got home, shell shocked!  However, next time we went it was easier as we knew what was coming and there wasn't all the time taken to explain everything.  So, hopefully, next time John goes it will also be less of an ordeal for you both.  Take it easy both of you and like Vee says if John doesn't feel like doing anything then he shouldn't.  If he listens to his body he'll be ok.  Mum sometimes fought the tiredness which made her feel even worse but when she went with it and just got into bed and had a sleep she felt much better.

    I also wonder how John has been told to take his anti sickness meds?  Mum was told she could either take one when she felt nauseous or take them regularly 3 times a day and hope to prevent the nausea.  She did the latter and was never sick although she felt a bit nauseous once or twice.  Of course everyone is different as are the chemo drugs but it may just be something that will help. Take care. Love to both of you. Caroline XX

  • FormerMember

    You lovely, lovely people.

    It's so encouraging when I read posts like that of veejay and celiswan.  Thank you so much.

    I think I've got the hang of this 'blog thingey' now. :0)


    Marjorie x x x

  • FormerMember

    hey mad madge, god your blog brought back some memories , yes you have got the hang of blogging , took me a while, now ive got writers block, too many feelings,, anyway hun back to you , well done to you both, the first chemo is so hard, so much to take in as you said, and for the patient , well i dont know how they do it, i was terrified and that was just watching , and loving them, but it will be so much easier next time,

    what can i sat about side effects , my one piece of advice would be for both of you to try and get some rest when you feel tired as this will help , and if you fancy food have it as you will both need your strength , if you need meds advice mail me privately ,especially anti sickness as ju had really hard time with that as you will see if you read my blogs, and as for you as a loved wife , im here if you need me hun xxxxxxxxxxxxx