Feeling so helpless today, don't know what to do!

1 minute read time.

Sunday 5th June, 2011

John's been feeling ill for a few days now and it's not getting any better.  The biggest of his problems is dry retching/heaving.  Every time he stands up he gets the urge to be sick but nothing comes up except a lot of clear fluid.  It's wearing him out and the anti-sickness tablets don't seem to be helping.

Another problem is that he suffers from constipation which makes him very uncomfortable.

He also has a lot of pain and spends most of the day either lying on the bed or propped up on the sofa looking like a little ghost.  He's lost so much weight that I'm almost afraid to touch him and he's very wobbly on his feet.

I couldn't stand it any longer when he started heaving again this morning and decided to try to ring somebody.  We're waiting to be assigned a Mac Nurse but haven't heard anything yet so I tried NHS Direct.  The recorded message said that they were extremely busy and there might be a four hour waiting time for somebody with experience to phone us back, so I gave up on that one and phoned the Oncology contact number, even though he's no longer having chemo.  (We will be seeing the Registrar next week for the results of his CT scan after the last bout of chemo.)

I listed his symptoms to a young nurse who took notes and said she would phone me back.  So here we are waiting!

Not sure why I wanted to write this down but it does help to get it off my chest.

Madge x x x x x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Madge, how awful for you both to be told that by someone you dont know and doesn't know you. I hope the advice of taking the anti-sickness pills regular throughout the day helps John. I always found the waiting was horrendous and sure you feel the same. Try to stay strong Madge, sending you both heaps of good wishes

    nanny.b x