Apologising again and a bit of a moan! :0(

1 minute read time.

Friday 16th July 2010

Hi everyone and sorry I haven't been around much.

Truth is, even though we've had the most wonderful news possible about John's cancer, I've been feeling a bit down in the mouth.

So, we should be happy, right?

Well, John is very unhappy and I can't seem to drag him out of the doldrums.  He simply won't believe what they've told him and thinks they've got it wrong.  Not only that, he is suffering even worse side effects from the chemo this time around and going into great detail about every single symptom.  Because of this he thinks they've given him too much chemo!

He hasn't left the house in over a week and just sits on the sofa dressed in three layers of clothes and huddled under a blanket.  If he's not doing that, he's slumped over the dining room table. 

I keep telling him he's on the homeward stretch, that he's so lucky to have had such good results, that it's only for another few weeks, but nothing will bring him out of himself.  He won't come out with me and, though I hate to admit it, it's sometimes a relief to get away from him and take our little dog Gemma for a walk.  She's tried her hardest to make him smile too but he just pushes her away. 

Everything I cook for him tastes wrong (another side effect of the chemo), so I'm getting very disheartened about that too.  I only get to see my friends one day a week at my writing class but he moans if I'm late home.  I feel so trapped!

Pray God that, come September when the treatment is over, things will start to improve.  I can't take this much longer.

OK, moan over.  It has made me feel a bit better but I hope it hasn't made you feel depressed.

Marjorie x x x x x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Madge.  Don't apologise.  I think if you look back at my blog after mum got NED you'll see a similar post to yours.  We were so excited but then came the low.  What if?  Why don't I feel well?  I feel worse now than I did.....etc. etc.  It's a very strange reaction but it seems quite common.  I know how hard it is for you but John will get through this and so will you.  The important thing is for you to continue to have time for yourself.  As Bad Fairy says keep doing your writing class, dog walking and look after yourself.  Love to you, John and Gemma.  Caroline XX  

  • FormerMember

    tell him he must be getting better cos hes moaning more !!!! seriously tho i sure hope he soon feels brighter .................and please try not to feel guilty about being a few mins late home

    you need a little break sometimes to re-charge YOUR batteries

    best wishes to you both xNx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Madge, as a cancer sufferer who has been given the all clear, I can understand how your husband feels. It is difficult to explain. I guess we don't understand it ourselves!

    I have said loads of times, that I believe cancer and depression can go hand in hand, so perhaps a chat with John's GP might be an idea. I had to take anti-depressants during treatment and they were really good, so it worth thinking about. Perhaps, of course, hubby might not want to take them, but worth discussing with him because they can be work wonders and they don't always have to be taken long term.

    I hope things pick up for you both soon.

    Best wishes, Christine xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Madge, when Jack was having chemo, my upbead sunny natured hubby turned into a miserable depressed shell of his normal self (I couldnt blame him - the side effects were horrendous). As the symptoms start to go, I am sure you will get your lovely man back - hang on in there, it just takes time x

  • FormerMember

    Hello madge, just read about John.  Maybe he's depressed.  If so, you might like to speak to his onc. about what is happening and they may be able to give him something to help him along.  I've been on prozac since 2007 as I was unable to cope with what was happening to me and I am glad I told the doctor I couldn't cope with my ca.  It doesn't mean he's weak, he may just be emotionally ill.  I hope something can be done for him, please let me know. Ann xx  ps. as his carer you need someone to talk to too and if this site is helpful that's great, if it's still too much maybe a visit to your own gp for some support might help.