A New Recliner and some Heartbreak:o(

1 minute read time.

Sorry to give bad news (again), but today didn't start too well.  John was in an awful lot of pain this morning, despite the District Nurse's suggestion that he take his slow release pain relief tablets and a top up of Oxynorm half an hour before getting up, to give them time to work.

He woke up at 5.30am this morning and the pain started then.  So I gave him some Oxynorm and he managed a couple of hours sleep.  Then, at 8am when his tablets were due, I did as the nurse suggested and he stayed in bed.  Result - still in pain.

I 'topped him up' several times with Oxynorm before the Mac Nurse and District Nurse arrived at 12 o'clock to review his meds.  All they've done is to increase the meds he's on so lord only knows what state he will be in tomorrow.  He's already spaced out most of the time and, when he has his lucid moments, he absolutely hates feeling that way.  So do I but I hate to see him in pain so it seems like there's no other way.

One good thing today was that his daughter Jo went to look at an electric recliner advertised 'as new' for only £50.  Turned out to be spotless and she came back with it in the boot of her car.  John was taking a nap on the bed and, by the time he woke up, I'd called my son-in-law and he and Jo between them removed the old armchair and installed the recliner. 

It's perfect!  He looks so much more comfortable and relaxed and spent the afternoon snoozing on and off.  We're calling it King John's Throne and Jo and I are his handmaidens! 

The heartbreak happened tonight after dinner.  He managed to eat a 'toddler's meal' and sponge pud and custard and then we sat together enjoying a cup of tea.  He looked so sad and then said "I didn't want it all to end like this!" 

Neither did I Sweetheart, neither did I!!!!!! :o(

  • FormerMember

    Dear Madge

    Such a brave man to say these words.  Such a fantastic woman to carry them.

    I'm glad that the throne is doing its job and certain that the handmaidens will do all they can to make King John comfortable.

    All the very best

    Georgia XXXXX

  • FormerMember

    Oh Madge, that's such a sad pronouncement from him, it nearly made me cry, which given that I'm sat in the middle of an office full of civil engineers is not ideal! Like Georgia said, he's a brave man and you're a brave lady to be coping with it all as well as you are doing. Glad he's got his throne! I've got quite a mental image now, including John wearing an ermine trimmed robe and sitting in the middle of a huge hall on his throne watching the telly with the dog. Hope he's feeling a bit better now and sending you both love, Vikki xxx

  • FormerMember

    Dear Madge, hope the pain will soon be under control for both your sakes. Sending you love and strength, Val X