A Good Day but Too Many Phone Calls Tonight!

1 minute read time.

Friday 11th June 2010

We've had a brilliant day today.  The car was due for a service and my best friend Pat picked us up after we'd dropped it off.  We went for a lovely pub lunch and John tucked into fish and chips and helped me eat a slice of cheesecake afterwards (good for him but not so good for me!).

Then we all took Gemma for a walk.  The sun nearly came out and it was lovely and warm and we strolled across a nearby huge playing field.  John couldn't manage to walk too far so he sat on a bench while Pat and I took Gemma for a good run with her ball.

Then home to Pat's for a restoring drink before she took us to collect the car.  Amazingly the traffic was light and we were home in no time.

John was very tired and curled up on the sofa for an hour before I made him a fried egg sandwich - he needs to eat before he can take his chemo tablets - which he enjoyed.

Then, the phone calls started just as we'd settled down to watch our favourite soaps - Emmerdale and Corrie.  Consequently, we missed them all!

It's lovely that people take the trouble to phone but each call lasts at least half an hour and John's still on the phone to his brother (that particular call will probably be an hour!). 

Oh for some peace!

  • FormerMember

    Hi Madge, really pleased you both had such a lovely day. All my family know I have caller id and screen calls, if we want abit of peace I let the ansafone pick them up. If it's urgent then I call them straight back.

    I hope you both have peaceful and relaxing week-end,

    take care.


  • FormerMember

    Dear Madge - fish and chips then cheesecake? John sounds like my kind of man! So pleased that you had such a lovely day. Take care, Val X