What do you think about the new Wales Cancer Plan? Beth yw eich barn chi ar Gynllun Canser newydd Cymru?

1 minute read time.

The Welsh Government is asking for people’s views on its new cancer strategy – Together Against Cancer. This very important document sets out the future of cancer services in Wales and what everyone can expect of cancer care by 2016 and follows on from Macmillan Cancer Support's election campaign for a national, person centred cancer strategy for Wales.

Macmillan would like to hear your opinion, particularly in the area of patient centred care, and the need for National Standards for Cancer Services so we can feed back the views of people affected by cancer to the Government.

The strategy document can be found here


Get in touch and let us know your thoughts by responding to this blog, e-mailing walescampaigns@macmillan.org.uk or by giving us a ring on 01656 867960.



Mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn gofyn am farn pobl ar ei strategaeth canser newydd – ‘Gyda’n gilydd yn erbyn Canser’.  Mae’r ddogfen bwysig hon yn nodi gweledigaeth Llywodraeth Cymru ar gyfer poblogaeth Cymru a beth mae hyn yn ei olygu ar gyfer gwasanaethau canser y GIG ac yn dilyn ymgyrch etholiadol Cymorth Canser Macmillan am strategaeth ganser i Gymru sy’n gosod pobl yn ganolog.


Mae Macmillan am glywed eich barn chi yn enwedig o ran gofal sy’n gosod y claf yn ganolog a’r angen am Safonau Cenedlaethol ar gyfer Gwasanaethau Canser fel ein bod ni’n gallu bwydo nôl sylwadau pobl sydd wedi’u heffeithio gan ganser i’r Llywodraeth.


Ceir dod o hyd i’r ddogfen yma




Cysylltwch â ni a rhannu eich barn drwy ymateb i’r blog, drwy yrru e-bost at walescampaign@macmillan.org.uk neu drwy ffonio 01656 867975.


  • FormerMember

    Peter Thomas was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma in 2007. Peter has got in touch with Macmillan in Wales to share his reponse to the document:


    “I played a key role in Macmillan’s election campaign and was the voice for the campaign film that called for the new strategy. In the election film, I talked about the need to have a strategy that is focused on the needs of the person with cancer and their family.  We know that often the social, emotional and practical consequences of the disease are just as important.

    “I would like to see more details about the financial impact of cancer as well as addressing the immediate clinical needs. We know that cancer can have a significant effect on people’s finances and many patients are not routinely told about available financial advice and support leading to increased anxiety and stress.”

    I want to see this strategy strengthened to include the points above in order to be a truly person centred strategy.

    Do you agree with Peter, or do you have another opinion? Whether you are living with cancer, are a carer or a friend or relative of somebody with cancer Macmillan is keen to hear your views. You can leave your thoughts on Macmillan in Wales’ Facebook page or on our website and let’s get a conversation started. Assembly Members need to hear your voice to improve cancer care for the future!

  • FormerMember

    Hi there,

    I saw your post in the Wales group and didn't want you to think we were ignoring you. i have not commented here as I cannot fault my care so far in Wales. It has been fantasitc and the hospitals have linked up really well with notes etc and Velindre and my consultant have been great. I was given a support nurse at both hospitals I went to if i needed them to talk to.  Free hosptal parking and prescriptions are fantastic. I think I may have gone bankcrupt otherwise!!

    So, I can't say about improvements really.... as I have no complaints.

    I do think financial issues are a big problem I was lucky that my work carried on paying me way beyond what they should have and I guess without that, I would have really struggled.

    Little My

  • FormerMember

    Hi Little My,


    Thanks so much for responding to the blog.  I'm really glad to hear that you're received really good care and support from your work.  That's exactly the sort of care and support we want everyone in Wales to receive.

    Definitely agree with you about financial worries.  We're actually going to run a big campaign on the financial impact of cancer later this year and are holding two listening events to capture people's stories in Cardiff and Wrexham to help make our campaign even stronger.

    The Cardiff event is at the Maldron Hotel on 21st February at 17.30pm-19.00pm

    The Wrecham event is in Ty Avow on 28th February at 11.30-2pm

    We're also really interested in hearing from people affected by cancer who would like to share their stories but aren't able to make the events. I can be contacted here, by walescampaigns@macmillan.org.uk or on 01656 867960 if you'd like to find out more.

    Please let me know if the events/ campaign sounds of interest.  It would be great if you could let others know about the campaign.

    many thanks,
