Lung and chest cancer – ask a clinical nurse specialist

  • 11th July - Keyworkers


    Hi Everyone,

    sorry I'm a bit late posting today.


    First of all thanks to Norma-G for letting me know what's happening. Hope all goes as well as it can.


    No questions were sent to me this week, so i thought I'd just post a little info about keyworkers. Apologies if I'm teaching you all to suck eggs.


    Every cancer patient is entitled to a key worker. The key workers role is to provide a contact point…

  • Lung and chest cancer – ask a clinical nurse specialist. Blog Post 4th July 2013


    Hi everyone,

    I had some very interesting questions from two people this week covering things such as imaging and coping with appetite problems when having chemotherapy. My replies are below.

    I do hope they are helpful.

    By quintus1

    My husband had T4N3M0 nsclc diagnosed last year, underwent concurrent chemo and radio. 4 cycles of cisplatin and vinorelbine chemo. 32sessions of radio. 13 weeks post treatment, CT scan…

  • Ask a clinical nurse specialist - Lung/Chest Cancer.


    Hi Everyone,


    Apologies for my long absence, it's good to be back blogging again.

    If youhave any questions about Lung Cancer or other cancers that affect the chest please send me your questions and I'll answer them in my blog post next Thursday at about 2pm.

    Just to remind you I am a Clinical Nurse Specialist who works mainly with patients whose Lung/Chest Cancers are treated with surgery. I'll try my best…

  • November 14th --- at long last.



     my apologies first of all for not having been around for a few weeks and not letting you know.

    There was one outstanding question from the last time I posted.

    By JULIE2009

    Hi Michael

    My father-in-law discovered his cancer which started in his bowel has now spread to his lungs and stomach.

    Apparently the tumour in his lung is large and he started a course of chemo tablets this morning and has to take these for…

  • October 25th


    HI All,


    It’s good to be back.


    Three questions this week all answered below.


    I hope that the  answers are useful.




    By olive1974

    hi my ex partner has pleural effusion cancer contained in fluid not mets hes 45 never smoked drank will be having op to drain fluid then chemo and rad prog 2 month to 2 year can you  tell me if he has longer he has kids 6 and 4 please help thanks x

    Hi Olive1974,

    It’s incredibly…