what next

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Last year i was diagnosed with secondary lymph node cancer in the neck, this was treated with chemo and radio therapy, after treatment everything was fine i was given the all clear in december 2010 and thought life gets better from here on. In the last couple of weeks i have found another lump in my neck which increases and decreases in size on a daily basis and hurts like hell even morphine does'nt clear the pain. Does anyone have any ideas as to how to relieve the pain.

  • FormerMember


    As you mention secondary lymph nodes I wondered what your primary was? I had agressive Hodgkins (large tumour in my chest) which was treated with ABVD after surgery. Shortly after finishing 6months of chemo I had lumps appear in my neck...further surgery and chemo. Lumps disappeared with chemo, but reappeared within a month of stopping treatment. Eventually I had to have stem cell transplant and radiotherapy but have been free of disease since. Don't know whether this information is any help or not. Hope it is, and that you get relief soon.

  • FormerMember

    Hi stinker,

    i was given a PET Scan prior to treatment starting and the results of this could not detect a primary source, as for the new lump in my neck this appeared almost a year after the treatment for the lymphnode cancer ended.