Petscan diagnosed my Breast Cancer

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Lucky I had a lung nodule that was being watched and due to growth I was sent for a Petscan. 

I am fifty seven years old and have a lung nodule that has been watched for four years. I had a mammogram at 50, 53 and 12 months ago at 56. All of them clear...which gives us all security that all is okay. I had another mammogram 2 weeks ago and that was also clear. But the Petscan from December 2021 and following ultrasound were showing a definite lump, undefined. Following biopsy it has been confirmed grade 2 cancer now awaiting lumpectomy. HER 2 Results inconclusive at moment. It is er positive and pr positive.

Feel so lucky for having that Petscan SmileyHeart eyes  there were no symptoms at all ! No change in shape or look..nothing!
