Where it all began

3 minute read time.

I still remember like it was yesterday where it all began for my mom and this horrible rollercoaster ride. She was only young when her first cancer diagnosis, from then on she's had so many different types, womb, ovary, which she had to have it all taken out at just age 26. (Started when we were young, myself & my siblings.) As years have gone on it just kept coming back with bitter revenge on her & I just don't get why because not like she's a bad person, but I guess people are right when they say the big C doesn't choose nicely .. anyway I digress. I won't go through all different types as so many , but I'll get up to the worst diagnosis she has had, back in 2010 ish, she was roughly Disappointed relieved37 years old & we are now all grown up, (myself being the second oldest at 17) 2010 definitely worst year by a mile for her & us as a family.. this was when mom got diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor. So the treatment began, starting with the usual IV chemotherapy and radiotherapy, this was to shrink the tumor and maintain her as of course they couldn't operate. Also back then  she was told only had 4years to live.. she went through the treatments and all the side effects that came a long with it. Here we are now in 2023 she is still with us and now 50 years old, she is exceeding the time frame they'd given her back then. Even the specialist and her consultants surprised but say it's because of her attitude and positive outlook on life it's self which has kept her going all these years. Honestly so proud of my mom how she deals with all she's going through and smashes each day still now, because yes she still does have the brain tumor and can no longer have the Iv intense chemo or radio (as it's completely damage her organs inside) so now just has to have a chemo tablet she takes everyday along with other meds including pain meds, to keep on maintaining her life as now that's all they can really do for her is keep her going why she continues to fight too. So here is the even more rubbish news because of the type of tumor my mom has and how far sits deep down in her skull behind the eye socket, means that it can spire off and brake off into different parts of her body without warning this isn't the first time it has happened either shoulder was one, she had to have operation on that. This time it's a tumor in her knee, they think it's live and at the time said hopefully to do keyhole surgery but there is a big waiting list even for emergency ones like my mom's. So it is literally a waiting game, but now sense this was said a few months ago, mom's pain has been getting worse in her leg and she can hardly walk and move it without constant pain as well as the leg being twice the size as the other one. So now she's got to go and have an emergency CT scan & see what is happening with the leg & tumor in the knee, they are pretty sure it's spread to her hip though and may now be in the bone. (BUT THEY DON'T KNOW FOR CERTAIN SO JUST GOT TO WAIT FOR THE APPOINTMENT FOR THE CT SCAN & THE RESULTS, THEN TAKE IT FROM THERE) Not only that isn't enough the tumor in her brain grows ofen too. So she has to deal with huge headache everyday and some days are worst than others. Although now though there does seem to be a lot more bad days than good unfortunately. But again even though she is going through all of this stuff, mom never ever complains, continues to fight on, working part time, as well as being a mom, a carer (to me - I have cerebral palsy along with other health problems) honestly she is just blooming amazing human so strong. But I do wish I could take this all away from her, so she wasn't poorly anymore . this cancer isn't fair on anyone and even worse when you watching the one person whom brought you into the world and up go through all this and can't do anything to stop it, because if we could I truly would wave that magic wand in a heartbeat just for you mom! Please keep fighting mom I'm (we) aren't ready to say goodbye yet . Love you always mom.. you got this!
