Feeling Lost

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Given the worst news ever last November that my dad had terminal cancer of the Gall Bladder and into his liver after no warning no illness he just turned yellow. We went before Christmas to his Oncologist who thought dad was a good candidate for chemo and if everything went well could have possibly another 8 months. We had an amazing Christmas making wonderful memories and are grateful for this time.Middle  of January Dad took a turn for the worse and 3 days before his chemo was due to start caught a massive infection his tumour actually invaded his colon and we were told it would probably only be 24 hours or so until we lost my lovely dad - we were say around his bedside for a further 10 days. The whole thing from diagnosis to my dad passing away was 10 weeks and 4 days. it's now nearly 3 weeks since we lost him it still hasn't sunk in. 
