lost, lonely and confused

2 minute read time.

LOST, LONLEY AND CONFUSED AND SO ANGRY  mum was diagnosed with grade 4 terminal brain cancer in January of this year, we went to Christies two weeks ago both my dad and me, didn't take mum as its now to much for her, she just gets so tired and aggressive, and confused that we decided not to take her. We saw mums consultant and she said that there is nothing else can be done. She asked us if we wanted to see the latest MRI scan, but she said it was quite horrific as its the most aggressive cancer she has seen for awhile, but I had to see I needed to know what was responsible for changing mum so much. And I cant get the picture out of my head it was just so awful. This tumour has robbed us as a family of the most amazing women. And I miss my mum so much. She is so aggressive, rude violent, and sometimes the things she says to us are vile, my poor dad just looks so ill, he is now sleeping on the floor downstairs next to mums hospital bed every night, he is with her 24/7, he has been offered carers for the night but does not want them he wants to take care of mum himself, so I feel like I am loosing both of them. We ask the questions but get so many different answers no one ever says the same thing, I have asked how long mum has and its so out the ball park some say 3 months some say 6mths and some even say 14 months. We were told her speech will go first, then her mobility, then she will sleep a lot and then fall asleep and not wake up. She says she has no pain but don't think she understands that concept. And I am so up in the air its un true, my nerves  in tatters, every time the phone goes I think its my dad, and when he does call I hold my breath just in case. I go down everyday and she seems so well only for the above symptoms. And I think she is doing so well even the district nurse says she is confusing them as she should not be doing the things she is. And for that split sec I forget but I am soon brought down to earth with a almighty bump, and its all so real again. Cant remember what it was like to sleep without one eye on the phone at night, scared my dad will call and I am a sleep and miss the call. We have decided that mum will be at home till the end, but starting to think is this all to much to ask of my dad, I have offered to stay but he says no. He is such a stubborn bugger, and thinks its his place to care for mum on his own. So all I can do is sit and watch and wait.

  • FormerMember

    Hello Maisey, I understand this must be a very hard time for you and nothing I say can take the pain away or make you feel better. But I just wanted to try. Your mum is still your mum despite how much she has changed, she still loves you just the same. I'm sure your dad appreciates you offering to help, and all you can really do is be there for him and stay strong not only for yourself and your dad, but for your mum and the rest of the family. Your mum will be strong if she sees that you are also being strong! No one can put a time limit on it for you, it's all down to your mum and i'm sure she will fight through as much as she can, as it appears she is doing already from the things you said she is doing that make her seem as though she is well, even when she shouldn't be doing those things. I'm sorry to hear about what you are going through and also about the inconsistent advice you have been given from the doctors, I really hope you have all the support you need and that you get a good nights sleep again some time soon. Chin up and keep your head high. Love Katie xx 

  • FormerMember
    Oh Hun, your words touched me about how much your poor mum has changed. My own mum did not have cancer but did have cardiovascular dementia, and turned into a very different person. It was very distressing watching the deterioration and I can sympathise with how you must be feeling. My dad was adamant he would look after her until the end, and it nearly finished him off. He was a stubborn bugger too! I send you love and strength for the weeks ahead xxx
  • FormerMember

    dear Maisey 

    i can so relate to your suffering and distress . my mum was diagnosed with stage four breast cancer 24 months ago she had gone to see the gp becuse her right eye was painfull and swollen she had tests and it came back she had breast cancer which had spread to various sites and one was the brain where a very large tumour and grown, she was terminal they offerd her radio therapy on her front lobe to srink her tumor and after that was when my mum changed forever the tumour shrunk but my mum changed as your discribed she was aggressive said terrable things about her familey would have halucinations would hurt my dad it was terrible . she was re admitted when she started to struggle to breathe and it was found the brain tumor was growing again very agressivley so they offered mum a second radio therapy her family and i begged her to consider what it would do to her but she truley belived that they could make her better and as much as i tried i could not convince her to change her mind. what was left of my mum the memories she had left  the tiny bit of her we held on to was obliterated that 5 days she was treated for the second time nothing was left of the person she was as you discribed it was a person that i know my mum could never ever have been left in her place inside her body , she passed away 10 days ago a full 4 months after this second treatment she never ever got out of bed again after never able to have a conversation with her familey in the end she could not see us or even talk her death has scared me for life my mum i loved so much was radiated until she didient exist she suffered terriable and like you say we asked her if she was in pain but she could not respond to us or even comprehend what we asked but i will say the last day i spent with my mum she managed to break through the damaged mind for a very breif moment to ask if i was ok becuse i had to have major surgery just prior and said she had been waiting for me to come to her , so dont give up hope she is still in there some where fighting to break through to her family my heart goes to you i can truley say i know exactly what your going through with your family and your dad as my dad sat with mum for 10 hours a day for the last few weeks she was cared for in a nursing home and he was abused non stop and just sat and took it becuse his faith in that fact that some where mum was there but lost to us never left him and i know you will understand some of the things she said in those last few weeks were so aborrant i could never reapeat it but he got through it . my mum is at peace now but her death and the journey up to her passing will haunt me for my life i love her and im devistated at her loss and i and my family have a long journey ahead of us to heal enough to try to build a life.   please take care my thoughts are with you and i do know your pain xxx