First post

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Hello, my first post here.

Moved to a more appropriate Group section.




  • FormerMember

    Morning Rhiannon's Dad,

    So sorry to read about you losing your partner to MDS, it is a very unforgiving disease. It's is so understandable you are still consumed with the grief of losing her it is only six months after all, but must still seem like a lifetime of being alone for you both.

    It is so good to know your 7 year old (rhiannon?) is living with you she is a reflection of your partner and gives you purpose and someone to love and share special moments with during this dark time. Hope she is coping ok, seven years old is a terrible age to lose a mum :-(

    There is a Bereaved Spouse and Partners Group here which you could join, at least check them out. Just click the green text link to go straight there.

    It is a very active and wonderfully supportive group - the lovely members there will welcome you and this will be the best place for you to get some emotional and practical support to help you and your daughter as they too are unfortunately in similar circumstances.

    You have made the first steps by creating your blog, which we hope you will add to as time progresses, but for the very best support the groups are where the real support is found, among those who have empathy for what you must be going through.

    Hope this is of some help at a very tough time, hugs to you and Rhiannon, this must be so hard for you both.

    George & Jackie