
  • Pain and chemo any help please


    Hi all Ive not been on for a while so i hope you are all doing the best you can. I have a question my hubby had radiotherapy 10 days a go for severe bone pain he has nscl and sec bone, it doesn't seem to have made any different to the pain at all went back to see the oncologist and to our surprise he has offered us more chemo for the pain, has anybody else heard of chemo for pain before as i hadn't. would appreciate you…

  • A rare phone call from a friend :)


    Today my best friend was the best friend ever, she phone me as she would normally and within 10 seconds she was off ,she was having the biggest ever rant and rave about her hubby how lazy  he is around the house , and of course he is the only one who goes to work, the state of the world and how she would put it all right, cost of living you name it she ranted about it.

    It was so nice just for once not to talk cancer,…



    I'm sitting here pretending to all that tomorrow will be fine, we will get the results of hubby`s CT scan to see if they have managed to contain the bone cancer.

    Oh how I'm praying it has. Miracles do happen so i`m told, lets hope one is shining on us

    Louise xxxxxx

  • Need some help please


    Hi all

    Has anyone had got any information or number for travel insurance, my hubby wants to do a wee bit of traveling, and I'm sure no normal insurance company will touch him.

    Any help gratefully appreciated

    Louise xxxxx

  • Hubbys lost his great smile


    Hi All

    I haven't blogged before so I'm a newbie in here, not sure what to say really was just sitting here watching hubby sleeping and thought its been so long since i have seen him smile, or even have a great belly laugh, i was feeling a little sad thats all had no one to tell so i thought of all of you, as most of you will know how I'm feeling right know, not like me really but hey I'm a very different person as well…