Transplant begins - it;s day minus 7!

3 minute read time.

Apparently it is now Thursday. I'll come back to that.

Had a nice weekend with the kiddies, and with my friends.
Friday evening Deri stayed with granny and I went to Jo's with a few other mums from the area for a rather nice gathering, lots of wine and scrummy nibbles! The mums from Deri's school clubbed together snd bought me a trollbead! Wow that was lovely. Jo then presented me with one I was saving for - a silver one called 3 siblings ... very sweet, nearly cried! Saturday, Deri started riding lessons. She has had sporadic sessions of horse riding, and been nagging me for them to be regular, and her friends aunt owns a stables, and I am friends with that aunts sister,,,, so we are paying but going in on her friends lesson which ususally is just them and  their cousin :) Deri LOVES horses and will be a happy womble every fortnight now haha! Then we came home, ate chocolate and watched movies. Her big sisters babysat that night as I was invited to my friends for another Pre Admission Knees-Up, where we drank far too much vodka (or just the right amount, depending on one's viewpoint!) and pink bubbly haha! On both evenings I had SUCH a good laugh, and just soaked up all the love and support ready to take into hospital with me... just as I have soaked up the love and support I have from everyone, at home, on Macland, everywhere! On Sunday, I sat down with Deri and her calendar, explained how the doctor wanted me back in hospital, it would be for longer but then I wouldn't need to come in again (thats my plan anyway!) and we marked off the days and gave her a poacket of stickers to stick on one night at a time. She said ''only 2 more days with you before you are away for a LONG time" ... big gulp, no tears, smile bravely and convince her it's all good! Which, it will be...
So, Monday is spent packing. And told to call at 9am Tuesday... wheich I did, and was told to come in for 3pm. Then called at 1 pm and said no bed free til 8pm, but I couldn't get  alift at 7pm (coz of kids) so I arrived at 3.30 and sat in the relatives room until 8.30pm, watching tv and reading and had my patient's dinner served in there too!! This seems to be a trend with me and my admissions haha!

Put on a 4 bed ward - 1 woman has HL and has a 12 day old baby born at 31 weeks via C-section in neonatal and she's in coz of temperature after chemo!! The other 2 women have leukemia. Next morning, HL lady can go home. I am given bloods etc but no treatment. Then last night about 11pm, an elderly lady was wheeled in. Qucikly established she also has advanced dementia. They inserted a catheter and she dozed off.So did we. Then at 2.30am I was woken by her at the foot of my bed, the catheter trailing behind her. "Hello? Can you help me get this thing out, I don't know what it is?"
WHOA! 'Oh no', says I, 'we can't take it out, wait there and I'll get a nurse'...
Well this happened at various intervals during the night so not much sleep had by anyone, poor old dab, she's a real sweetie.

So then it's today and there are bloods being taken and charts drawn up and protocols to read and chemo days to absorb........and then taken to the transplant ward across the corridor and through big double doors into my single room. It has an ok view, it has a flat screen tv and remote, it has my laptop and DVDs and books etc.... and I can keep the door open as much as I want until stem cells go in and then it's door closed at all times. The food is better than at Nevill Hall so far, huzzah!

Today is day minus 7... 3 hours of fluids, 2 hours of chemo, now on 11 hours of potassium/saline. days -6 through to -3 I have a different chemo, then day -2 another one again, then -1 is a rest day with no chemo, and then day Zero is stem cell day.

I have managed to SKype my kiddies each evening :D Yay!

So, here we go, da da ddaaaaaaaaa.......................

  • FormerMember

    I'm going to be that old lady any day now.

    I envy Deri her riding lessons! I used to ride when I was ickle, but since then have never been in a place where it's been possible. I hope she enjoys them. I'll content myself with rereading the 'Jill' books.

    So, thank heavens, you're in hospital and it's all systems go. Before we know it, you'll be out again, and it will all be over. Hurrah!!

    I hope the time in between isn't too awful. Zillions of hugs to you.


  • FormerMember

    Hi Ems,

    Glad you're properly installed and hope the routine isn't too dreary.

    OMG it's like mission control in there with all those gadgets. No wonder LM keeps setting you missions.

    Yay! to keeping in touch with loved ones, and how brilliant that Deri is having riding lessons. My daughter had to wait until she was working and could afford her own! As you say the riding lessons will keep her occupied and a happy womble!

    Good luck with the treatment, I hope it's not too icky. We'll look forward to reports when you feel up to it, but realise family must come first.

    The biggest welsh cwtches I can muster,

    Odin xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Ems,

    Well you certainly seem to have everything planned out for the next 7 days, I wouldn't be able to remember all of that, or I would get the order mixed up. Guess that's why I'm not a Doc!

    Isn't it nice when technology really does help us out, who'd of thought it, skyping from hospital, quite brilliant. Ooh, think I have got a bit of that dust in my eye too.

    All the very best Ems, you'll be finishing as I get started!

    Tight lines

    Tim xxx

  • Hi Ems like Tim I wouldn't be able to remember all those things and like Hils Im heading to the little old lady with the is so great now to enable people to keep in touch especially with your children Yay for horse riding lessons my youngest used to ride I did for a short time too.It sounds such a lot to take in and I wish you all the very best of luck and hope that everything goes smoothly and with the minimum of any side effects and heres to it being the end of hospital stays huge hugs and much love Cruton xxxx
  • FormerMember

    Hi Ems,

    I'm late again but hoping you're not too knackered to read all this from Macland because there'll be loads more! Not heard from LM for an hour or so, so guessing she's at last in theatre - she was dehydrated & bored senseless and had a moaning minnie waiting in the same room, reading her extracts from the Daily Mail and the Sun, which didn't go down at all well!

    Your friends & family did you proud, you sound as though you had a whale of a Pre-op! Looking forward to having you back with us, as little Derri must be too - so glad you can chat with her on Skype. 3 cheers for modern technology!

    Hove & lugs,

    Annie xxx