|Recuperation, and cwtchs

1 minute read time.

Hello gang! I have been reading some posts on my phone, but not quite awake enough to reply myself! Thank you for your lovely support :))

Firstly let me wish Hils lots of luck for her 'draining'. And hope she and Tim are back blogging here asap. And good luck to LM's dress, hope it doesn't rip too soon ;))

It was SO wonderful to be discharged last Thursday evening!!! Mum and a porter wheeled me and my suitcase down to where Bryan and Deri were waiting in the car - Deri and I hugged with watery eyes but then she had so much news to tell me we didn't have time to be emotional for long! As expected, Deri has been sleeping in my bed since I got home ;))

Big cwtchs from Broni when we got in, and Meg and Ben appeared on Friday for more hugs :)))

Mum and Bry being fabulous and spoiling me, but I am trying to potter about and get my strength back, but mostly I am sitting/lying down because thats all the energy I have to do! Amazing how utterly exhausted I am. Have to do things in slow motion and rest after any task!

Tomorrow (Wednesday) I have a check up and bloods done in Nevill Hall - be weird but good to see them again ;)) Then back here to pack and we're being delivered back to our house. I have to see what levels my platelets are before I am allowed to drive - but as Megz passed here test and has her little car, she can do me some favours too! :))
I have told her and Broni that I can't do major cooking etc etc so they're going to have to take it in turns to help me out!

Just glad to be out, to be doing well, and looking forward to feeling less feeble! :)

Love and Cwtchs to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Welcome home Ems! You've done it!!!

    I'm glad that you are back home, and you have help from your girls. It will take time and patience before you can take over, so rest and listen to your body. As my wise GP said to me when i was complaining about tiredness...."Does it matter what time you get up? Will it make a difference if you have a sleep in the afternoon?"

    Biggest hugs to you all, and you can sneak one for your mum too for keeping everything going in your absence

    Love and hugs xxxxxxxxx

    PS Good luck to Deri in her new school....such excitement

  • FormerMember


    Sooooooooooo pleased that you made it home for Easter to be with your lovely family, bet your girls were over the moon.

    Onwards and upwards always my dear, dear friend

    Take care

    Jan xxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hello my darling - I'm so glad you're back home and on the mend. Keep up the good work!
