Perspectives. Oh, and cakes. And teens in cars!

6 minute read time.

Alright my lovelies?
Sorry in advance, this blog goes all over the place and then back again!

So Wednesday rolled round, and off I went for a change of dressing, bloods, and Rituximab session.
That young guy was there - he's been in a few times now it seems, and is more relaxed, and has his sense of humour back - goody I thought, you've got yourself on track. It helps once you can do that, however long it takes, days, weeks, or months, we're all different after all.

So, consultant calls me in for a chat, I tell her I have been having cold feet about the transplant; she says that's perfectly normal. I am sure it is, and I DO like her a lot, but you know when you get that temptation to say to an 'expert' - "BUT ITS NOT YOU THAT HAS TO DO IT, IS IT?!?!"
Ahem.  :))

So she tells me then that she has spoken to the team at the Heath, and it is a possibility that IT could be the end of this month! That's great, because it doesn't clash with school holidays (ie nobody has to look after Deri during the day and the night) and I should be out in time for the school to close (yes, the council deem it necessary to shut Deri's school :(( ) at Easter as us parents and staff don't want a slow trickle to nothing as kids need to leave etc - so there's a big party on the 30th March when they break up for Easter.
Now, I may only just be back out of hospital by then, but it's a good thing to aim for and if I'm too knackered to go along I shall be rather disappointed!

Yesterday (Thursday) I must have been visited by the Baking Muse and my body taken over by Nigella, as I spent the afternoon baking cakes!! This is a rare occurrence I have to point out, for those of you wondering why I am highlighting it! I set about looking for recipes for cakes suitable for Broni and her vegan diet - and dug out my old faithful, The Complete Vegetarian Cookbook - vegan chocolate cake and vegetarian carrot and poppyseed cake - the latter I have baked before but this time used all soya stuff instead of diary.
Oh, and Pedro tried waving and saying 'Hi' to me... pfft.

Today has been a bit of a mix! Began with coffee round at Jo's; last time I went Jackie was there too and as hadn't seen her for about a year and Jo had just told her about me before I arrived, she was in shock and had to go early.. this time she had got her head around it all and was her usual silly self! Bless her she didn't now what to say last time, but this time was fine, no head tilts either, she did Very Well haha! Had a good old catch up with everone and a good laugh too :))
Home to do emails and make leek and potato soup with lentils and garlic - oh yes, this is so much more fun than working every day! Could I not just go to work 4 days a week and have one for baking and drinking coffee?? Please???

Then, this evening, as I sat with Deri playing on the Wii, Megan calls me - casually announced she and Ben were at hospital due to an icy corner spinning Bens car out of control at only 40 mph in the bendy lanes and them landing upside down!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!! !!!!!!!! BUT they are ok, just bruised and shocked. BLOODY HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And, breeeeeeeeeeeatheeeeeeeeee.........................................
And here she is, taking her driving theory test on the 11th!!
Well, the goddess and the gang were looking after them both tonight eh?? A couple stopped and the mother put Meg in their car with their kids to keep warm and rub her back whilst the fella talked to Ben and waited for ambulance, fire engine and police. She said she waited to call me until she got to hospital as she didn't want to call me whilst upside down coz she was screaming... I said do NOT worry about worrying me and call me whichever way round you are!!!!!!!!

And following yet another forwarded chain email with racism from my stepdad, instead of deleting it I sent a lengthy reply - it was of photos of a Muslim demo with banners and posters. Apparently all of them said things along the lines of ''death to freedom'' ''wait til the real holocaust europe'' and ''butcher all those against muslims''. Thing is, all of them had exactly the same handwriting. Now, either 1 very dedicated person stayed up for nights on end writing them all, or... the photos are photoshopped!! So, I sent back a rant.
'Isn't it odd that all the posters and banners have exactly the same writing style, as though they have been photoshopped? Or maybe one person spent many nights preparing all those posters for the entire crowd?

There ARE extremists out there yes, but you can't tar a whole nation/ religious group / culture with the same brush, nor believe everything you read/see without researching it first.
Otherwise, all white people in Christian countries would be tarred with the same brush as a few extremists who go out and threaten to kill, and in a few rare cases, DO kill, doctors who perform abortions, for example. Or those who target funerals of gay people and hold up banners saying god gave them AIDS etc on purpose (even if they didn't die of AIDS) as they are unnatural.

Extremists are around the world, and they are scary. But they do not represent their whole nation/ culture/ religious group.

This sort of thing perpetuates extreme racism, breeds fear, and allows governments to get away with taking away our freedoms bit by bit.

The media can be a wonderful thing. By all means, we can read the papers, watch X factor, listen to the news, exchange emails and views ... but we also need to hold back from believing it is all true, and to fish around for evidence, to do some research, and to realise the media manipulates us all the time, whether it's the BBC, CNN, Fox news, local news, or just individuals sending out emails that contains their opinions but not necessarily the truth.

I am not saying the demo did not take place, or that some people there did not express scary opinions. I am saying, be careful, look deeper, be aware. There's a few discrepancies, and some pictures can be taken out of context, as usually happens with ANY demo, whether its students, hippies, religious groups, teachers, miners, etc...'

Harumph!! Ok, he's 72, maybe he can get away with saying it's a generation thing, but I don't think it's right. But then, he's an ex Lieutenant Commander of the Navy, and I'm a hippy who worked for Greenpeace and attended road protests. I guess we'll always debate such matters hahahaha!!

Anyway, my daughter and her boyfriend are alive, so that's all that really matters today!!

Much Love and cwtchs to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Ems my comment about a marathon was an underestimate, it's the championship finals of the world endurance test.

    Of course you are worrying about Deri, but I'm sure she will be well looked after and even spoiled a little. Perhaps they will let you talk to her on the phone, or have a video chat on LM's netbook.

    At least you know that you also have us lot behind you urging you on, and if possible sending messages and some messages may not be silly!

    Two LARGE recepticals? I told they were cobblers!

    In the meantime, loon away with us to try to take your mind off this hospital stay,

    The biggest of large cwtches to you and your family,

    Odin xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Ems,

    It seems like this next step is a big one, gonna give the cancer a real ass kicking, I hope any side effects are minimal. I like your attitude (expect the best, be prepared for anything else) and I know if you do experience some shite you'll keep your mind and focus on the reasons why you put yourself through it.  Did you read about Mandy eating bananas, are you trying to outdo her by sucking lollies lol!

    Hey Ems keep your chin up, we'll be here for you, giving you loads of hugs and support and trying to keep you smiling. Oh yeh I forgot to say, I laughed at your tits on your fat balls comment! I don't have fat balls just nuts, but the tits love em all the same.

    Tight lines

    Tim xxx

  • FormerMember

    Ems, the SCT is probably going to be the toughest thing you have been through, but you will get through it, mainly because there is no alternative. There will be times when you will feel so ill that you will wonder if it is worth it, but IT IS. If I can get through it with the problems I caused, then I know you can because you have been a good patient, not like Little Miss Awkward here!

    If you need a bit of inspiration read Alice Pyne's story. She is a 16 year old who has been fighting Hodgkins for over 4 years, and is probably terminal, but is making the most of the time she has left, and is trying to get more people to sign up on a bone marrow register.

    Big hugs xxxxxx