It's all the little things adding up ...

2 minute read time.

I am back in touch with an old friend that I was very close to and then we lost contact over something stupid, back in 2003. Found each other via a mutual friend before Xmas, emailed furiously trying to catch up on 9 years haha! Called each other on Friday - 3 hours on phone! Feels as though we were never out of touch :) Seeing each other on 21st. Kids thrilled too as they all used to be close too! Great end to the festive period!

I advertised a spare tv on the Freecycle website. If you have never heard of it, look it up, it's fabulous! ;)
Anyway, the original couple who contacted me changed their minds, so I offered it to the next person who emailed. Sarah. She came with a friend to collect it but didn't take the remote. I felt she was an earthy woman, and liked her.
Anyway, today, 2 days later, she came back for the remote. She also said that she wasn't sure what was going on in my life right now (she saw my bald head wrapped in a buff :) ) and didn't know if it was appropriate, but would I mind if she gave me her card, and if it was my kind of thing, she would like to offer me some healing. . . :))
I said it was very kind and I would love to contact her about it, then I looked at the card and asked if she had done her drumming nearby recently as I had seen a poster, yes, it was her. Funnily enough, I had seen her website some years back when I had split up from my ex, and didn't have funds of courage to approach her then. . . Shamanic healing using drums, and she is a bushcraft instructor.
I will be emailing her anyway ;))
Funny how things work out, isn't it?
No coincidences in life ...

So, off to hospital tomorrow. Armed with a bag full of orange juice, tonic water, nuts, cranberries, apples, etc. I am hoping the food is as it was the FIRST time I was in, not the second, as the second it was AWFUL!
I may get bone marrow results. But I am feeling so uplifted by things this week, that I have decided not to be wobbly about things until they need to be wobbled about. Brave talk you say? Well, sod it, I'm done with over-stresing, coz there's enough stressy stuff without winding yourself up with more!! So there..

Love and Hugs to you all xxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Ems,

    Good luck for the Hossie tomorrow, I hope the food is better.

    Things seem to be brightening up for you what with old friends and new. I hope you don't have a headache when you go for your bushcraft!

     Good luck with the bone marrow results.

    Love and best welsh cwtches,

    Odin xxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hello Ems,

    Guess your in the Hospital now, hope you have a nice private room again and lots of shiny things to keep you amused and the food is on the good week rota. What great news to be back in touch with an old friend, as they say, time is a great healer.

    Ummm, all that healing stuff is off my radar, not that I don't believe I just never "been there". Good luck with this week and when you're back home enjoy your drumming in the bush stuff!

    Fingers and bags crossed for you and our mate Hils of course.

    Tight lines

    Tim xxx

  • Hello Ems

    hope you have a private room and the food is better this time.

    It is funny how sometimes we meet people kind of like we were meant to.

    I'm not really into all of that but did do my Reiki Master training a few years back and also a lot of complimentary therapies training massage reflexology and the like as a hobby. So if it does no harm and helps you feel good why not

    Good luck with everything 

    big hugs 

    Cruton xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Ems,

    Hope Deri's mind is now un-scrambled and your parents are coping ok with the sudden change of plan. Nothing like the NHS for messing you about, eh? But we'd be lost without it, envy of the world, blah-de-blah. Except when it lets you down with a great big bump. Ah well, you're being philosophical and stoical as ever. Good on yer, mate.

    Yay for Freecycle, it's amazing! And what a weird thing to happen with the healing/drumming lady. Go for it girl, she sounds "right" to me. I went to counselling for a while years ago to clear some of the crap out of my head & spent most of my time sobbing, but still have the crap! Some alternative therapy might have been preferable, maybe an Indian head massage. Never mind. Someone on our Freecycle has asked for knitting patterns for toys, and I have many, many many (!) so I'm going to sort some out for her.

    Dear Ems, I hope your troubles will soon be just memories. Till then,

    Hove & lugs,

    Annie xxx 

  • FormerMember

    *hugs*, sweetheart.
