How'd Thursday come round so quickly?? (warning: serious matter included)

2 minute read time.

Bloody hell. Crazy week.

All geared up for taking small human bean trick or treating on Monday night, then heading home to light a Samhain fire. Sounds simple;  leave work, pick D up from friend's after school, zoom her to Jo's to get into her zombie costume (made by her 13 yr old sister), let a bunch of young un's scare locals and get high on E numbers, meet 13 yr old B and her friend C, all go home to mine.

get a call from B about 4 - can C stay at ours as had row with her mum? Yup. get to Jo's at 5.30, text from B, asking where I am, tell her, then 2 minutes later she and C barrel through the door with C sobbing and crying. Jo scoops up all small human beans and goes off - basically C tells me her brother beat her up and throttled her at her stepdads where they were getting changed, then her mum showed up (they are divorced now) and swore at her and B, then drove after them, assaulted C to point of C screaming and crying and a local resident asking B should he call the police (d'uh!!), and then they found me at Jo's. LONG history of C's mum having series of domestic violence relationships which kids witness, plus seeing her trying to hang herself.

I know.

I had to make an official call the next morning. B went into shock at school the next day, broke down completely. She's never witnessed stuff like that. And I think realised how often C DOES see it. She wanted to report it to the police. So they came over last night to take statements.

I felt like I was still in work. But glad I knew what to do.

So, Tuesday night, the party and the stress of Monday caught up with me, and I fell asleep putting D to bed, then came down and fell asleep on sofa again, then woke up at midnight and went to bed! Last night was not vastly different!

This weekend, neighbours (crazy loons who have random parties and bonfires and drink wine round them) are having firework party on Sat, as is tradition, which involves kiddies making and burning a guy, and adults getting rather pissed; Sunday, is D's 7th birthday!! It's the mad playbarn experience! ;)

Keeping in my thoughts everyone who needs cwtchs and love and then some for those who think they don't :D


  • FormerMember

    Morning! You beat me again last night...  Not sure what to say except have you ever heard of the phrase

    'A quiet life?'

    I suspect not.

    job the chemo makes you sleep I say... you need it with all that going on (glossing over the partying till 4am he he)

    Good to hear from you and see your smiley daffodil around the place again...

    And thanks for the cwtches for those that don't think they need them... I suspect one was for me :o)

    Cwtches and bug hugs to you cos you do need them.

    I had a graduation event leavers 'do' at school last night so got in v. late and have to go in again today (another day off harumph) and we have a conference on Saturday so might be following in your footsteps and snoooozing away inbetween.

    Gotta get up and go to school so will catch up properly later

    Love ya

    and bug hugs (oh I did that already... tired? I wonder...)

    Little Myxxx

  • FormerMember

    Good Morning Ems, or afternoon if you're still sleeping.

    What an interesting life you lead! I'm glad you knew how to handle it, because I'm sure many people wouldn't. I don't think you need to blame the chemo for sleeping, after that lot most of us would fall asleep.

    I've done the mad playbarn experience with my sister in law's grandchild for her 6th birthday. Where do they get their energy from? After we'd handed her back I fell asleep on the sofa, and it wasn't my sofa. I blamed the hormone therapy. Aren't young kids a real tonic (if you've got the energy!) Good luck for Sunday, beware the coffee, it's probably terrible.

    Bonfire night and fireworks, not a good time for someone with 2 dogs, 3 cats and some ducks. I hope they don't get too frightened. I'll send some cwtches for them.

    And even bigger cwtches for you aand hope to see you around more often.

    LM. Whenever I come on the site you have already been and gone! Are you going to play any C cards at this graduation do? Do let us know how it went.

    Love and cwtches to all whether you need them or not

    Colin xxxxx

    PS: LM, I've seen through your little scheme all along. I only joined because I like the horned helmet.

  • FormerMember

    Ems, what a dreadful time you and family had at the beginning of the week. Its awful what some families go through. Hope the girls are a little calmer now. You don't need the added stress.

    Hope the animals and birds survive the weekend :-)

    Love to all of you xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Ems,

    Well feel very sorry for you and for that poor girl, but for a minute I thought I was reading an episode of East Enders!

    My word you do seem to be on the go a hell of a lot, I guess after the exertions of the weekend you'll have Monday and Tuesday just for sleeping again.

    Have a great weekend and at least the foxes will stay away with all the fireworks going off.

    Tight Lines

    Tim xxx

  • FormerMember

    Oh Ems, Just simply, love and hugs and cwtches to you and your little ones. Hope next week brings calm and relax.

    Take care Jan xxxxxxxxxxx