Home again, home again, jiggedy jig ...

4 minute read time.

Isn't sleep lovely??

Anyway, where were we? Ah yes, the bone marrow biopsy day. I left the last blog, then as I was about to tuck into bed, felt sick; it seems maybe a dodgy sandwich ma have set me off, but I filled a bedpan (remember they left me a stack to measure my wee?) with a days worth of vomit. Haven't felt right since! Anyway, Thursday had a couple of visitors, with more books! :) Also had to lie on one side as I was indeed feeling as Sandra the nurse had described.. as though I'd been kicked like a horse!
Also wanted to share all my experiences with my mother but knew it would add to tension and had to wait. More cwtchs from Deri Thursday evening! :) (Just remembered - Mum also got her bouquet last weekend, Pam helped me sort it out.)

Friday was a quiet day so I slept, which was fab. Didn't eat much as the hospital food seemed to get worse this time in, plus feeling nauseous anyway.
Megz and her b/f turned up again Friday, with tales of tense atmospheres. I began to think how I could split up the week next time so my mum and stepdad don't need to have the kids all week, because it just knackers them out! Mum, Bry & Deri turned up as well, looking tired! Ok, shall we go over the pro's and cons of being a single parent again now??

 Came home Saturday, feeling ok but queasy. Bryan tried to rant about the kids' behaviour but I soon shut him up - wtf?? Timing dear man, timing!! Proves how overtired they were, how my mum's stress can impact on him etc, otherwise he wouldn't have tried ranting as I'm hanging out of his car window. Plus, teens ARE often moody or grunt at you, and 7 yr olds are hard work , PLUS, maybe my 3 girls were stressed too and being a bit gruff or hyper occasionally is probably expected, no?

So, sat down with a cuppa, all kiddies out, and told mum and Bryan everything. So that's out of the way. Told Bryan the holiday in May may not be able to happen due to SCT (stem cell transplant, look at me with my abbreviations), or perhaps swap names or something. Mum wondered of B and D would still want to go without me. I have reservations - 1) B would prob go if M there too as they could hang out etc, but B won't want to always do stuff with D when D doesn't want nan to do it etc.
2) if B, god forbid, acts like a teenager whilst being a teenager, or Deri gets a bit full on, mum and Bry can get stressed and then there will be rows and recriminations. 3) if D and B DO play up unnecessarily, it will spoil nan and bry's enjoyment! 4) if I'm there I can smooth things over/ humour folk, or take my kids off and have a word if needed without needing to stress mum out etc.
Maybe they should take mum's sister and hubby and just lose the money for Deri, and my kids can go somewhere later in year, plus of we take Deri to Tenby one sunny weekend, she won't care where in the world the beach is!
Mum stayed here Sat night and cooked a lovely Sunday lunch, then headed off about 4. Monday I went back to sleep after D went to school, mum came over with a pan of bolognese for us to warm up later for dinner, and a nice fresh salad with prawns for lunch with fresh bread rolls. She is a star. Just wish we could remove that instant stress button, she'd be a lot happier too :)

I felt tired sore and grumpy Sunday, and veered between thinking 'ok, we're kind of half way there' and ' I don't know how much more I can take'. I was deflated, and nearly defeated, and I suppose just being so exhausted didn't help. But also, I had to acknowledge how traumatic last week was. A lot of things happened, physically and emotionally and mentally. It WAS good that I cried so much Tuesday and Wednesday, after all, it's good to be strong, but if you don't release stuff, you can't gather more strength for the next stint................ I have a lot of amazing support, messages and emails and visits full of love, and it is tremendously useful :-) YOU lot - you are just the BEST, keep me going through it all! :-)

I am feeling a lot more like myself today - I slept from 8.30am - 12.30 again ... as I said, isn't sleep wonderful...?


  • FormerMember

    I love sleep. I would happily sleep until I'm cured - except that then I wake up on a lovely, sunny day and think what a waste it is not to make the best of it, even if all the best I can manage is to look at it.

    After all the nasty things you had done to you, and all the family/emotional stress on top of that, it would be pretty amazing if you weren't knackered. I hope that getting some rest has helped.

    Sadly, the answer to 'how much more of this can I take', I suspect, is 'as much more as I have to take if they're going to fix me'. It's hard to adjust to, though, and freakishly scary, and all I can offer is *hugs*. As we have established, you can have all of those.

    btw, I am sitting here typing this wearing a brown felt hat. I don't have many (any) brown clothes, so I'm not quite sure when else I'll get to wear it if not around the house. I thought you might like to know that. But I do keep thinking the room is rather dark, so maybe I should take it off.

    Lots of love to you!

    - Hilary


  • FormerMember

    Hi Hils,

    Well yes, sleeping til better would be preferable, and now I've had some rest I am back to knowing that we take as much we have to, because that's how it is!

    I am LOVING the fact that you are wearing a brown felt hat! Good guess me dear! But if it's restricting your vision, do either adjust or remove...?

    Lots of HUGS and LOVE to you! xxxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi my favourite Welsh Witch,

    Is is really surprising that your magic is a little dimmed with all that you've been through? I didn't say before, but my daughter was on the bone marrow donor register and got called in last year to donate for a guy in Canada. They took a pint of marrow from her thigh! (I didn't know you had a pint of marrow in your thigh). This was done under general anaesthetic, but her comment afterwards was that she felt as though she had been kicked by a horse. Incidentally, the guy in Canada had all his bone marrow destroyed 3 days before Helen had the op, and as they were about to go to theatre they asked her was she sure she wanted to go ahead with the op!! Poor Canadian if she had said no! Op was done in a private hspital and she was given a bunch of flowers and a large box of chocolates when she came round. perhaps that's where they went wrong with you, they missed the flowers and the choccies.

    Yes, however many doubts you have, you know you will go through with the barbaric procedure to get lumpy out of your life. And all we can offer are hugs and love and thoughts!

    Glad you are catching up on sleep now, you're going to need a lot of spoons for that family of yours,

    Best welsh cwtches,

    Odin xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Ems,

    Lovely to have you back here! And I'm sure you're just as pleased to be back with us lovely people (!?!). Oh, isn't sleep amazing? I can do it any time, anywhere, in fact I slept through the 1987 hurricane (I lived in south London in those days), and the Wolverhampton "earthquake", and I can vouch for its restorative properties. But then, I've always needed a lot of restoration...

    Cancer treatment seems to be so primitive - cut, or poison, or burn, or any permutation thereof. One day there'll be a breakthrough; but until then, we grin/cry/rage/ swear, and bear it. And you, indomitable Ems (TILT TILT) have done more of that than most, recently.

    So welcome home, and before I get too embarrassingly cheesy, lots of love to you and to all your family,

    Annie xxx 

  • FormerMember

    AAaaaaaahhhhhh sleeep :) I am a bit spoonless and needing some of that lovely sleep so just popping in to say hello and here here to indomitable ems!!!

    You are fab tilt tilt haha.

     PFs to nasty stuff and yay to lovely stuff and a day at tenby beach with Deri sounds fun to me...

    And teenagers being teenagers? heaven forbid!!!

    You will put up with all of it cos you have to... crap I know  but we are here to love and hold your hand and give you silly missions cos I love you. Oh I do I do I do I do ha haaaa.

    And hey Hils I thought I was the one wearing brown round here! Brown felt hat sounds lovely and would finish my brownensemble off a treat!

    All the hugs and bg nigs to you and whooo hooo to ems the wonder girl...

    sunny used to have fags for me... can you have a nap for me?

