Gold star for blasting

1 minute read time.

Yesterday, as I mentioned somewhere else, Em M took me to hospital for my bloods and check up etc - bloods and platelets lower than Monday but not enough to have to do anything about, and don't want to see me until Monday unless something happens. The doc started to list off what things I should call about, then stopped, looked at me and said ''oh but you're sensible so I don't need to tell you that'' - haha! It's official, I am sensible. I wonder how long that lasts?? ;) The initial assessment of the biopsy shows that Mr Lumpy is still HL, its been sent off for further analysis for confirmation etc.

So, then Em and I went to the cafe on the way home and had a cream tea - fresh, warm scones too, nomnomnom!

Last night I felt quite bright and had a little more energy, but I held back and didn't do anything much! Mum was here cooking, and looking knackered herself. So I introduced the idea of her not being here Friday or Saturday, us going to her for Sunday lunch, and then just coming here Tues and Thurs next week - Tues is my eldest's birthday too! I don't know what date they will give me for going back in, but my mum will need all her energy that week agaain, and as I'm ok to shuffle about with help from the girls this week, it makes sense to have mum's help when really needed :) "Are you sure?" she asked - "what if you feel rubbish one day?" 'Ah, well' I replied - ' thing is, I'm officially sensible, the doc said, so, if I have a bad day, I'll call' ... hehehe!

Today, I woke up at 4am with massive backache, so took co-codomols and turned electric blanket on and went back to sleep - but am KNACKERED today - shuffled about whilst the girls got ready for school, then went back to sleep at 10am and woke up at 1pm, been finishing off some birthday present/xmas present shopping online for my gorgeous gals :)

  • FormerMember

    Gorgeous gals, super-efficient Mum, sensible Cariad? Wow!

    I do hope you'll keep your resolution & not try to do more than absolutely necessary - writing your blog and chatting to your family & friends are quite enough!

    Have a good rest, lovely lady. Sleep tight & dream of cream teas....

    Love & hugs,

    Annie  xxx


  • FormerMember

    Hi Ems,

    Sending you big hugs,

    Colin xxx