Getting there

1 minute read time.

Hello troops, how's tricks?

I am feeling a bit stronger again this week, trying to pace myself so I don't overdo it! My bloods were better again this Wednesday so don't need to go back for 2 weeks this time. Sandra the nurse said that once they can see my bloods stabilising in a few weeks, they cana rrange to get me in and get the hickman line out - whoo hoo!!!!! And they were high enough to allow me to pop into local shops if I need something! I drove "a lot" (compared to what I am used to at the moment anyway) yesterday and my legs ached this morning, so I guess thats something to keep in mind!

It's very wet and cold this week - today I was in all day - Lynne came over with a big bun and we chatted over pints of coffee and lit the woodburner... been lovely!

Deri started her new school yesterday and has settled in straight away, and made new friends too! In the playground today I was waiting to pick her up and one of the mums started to chat to me - turns out her and her hubby have a furniture business running from one of the units on Glanusk, where they rent out workshops! And our daughters came out together chatting and played in the yard :)) The mum is called Rachel and she said we'd have to go round one day for coffee and a play :))

So next month mum and Bry are taking the kids on holiday - Megz and Ben aren't going - it'll just be me and them for a week, but no Broni or Deri for a week. Lots of lie-ins heehee!! Be very quiet round here!!!!!

Goodbyes to Stinker, who's going part-time on us!

Much Love and Hugs to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Oooh hello you! Wow. I am impressed!!

    So pleased Deri is enjoying her new school, I know being there for her changing was a big deal to you and you got to do it and she's ok :)

    Hoorah for good bloods and 2 weeks and being able to drive etc. (beating me on that one!!)

    Yes, that IS something to be aware of she said giving a hypocritical stern look at you.

    I am amazed how well you are doing and how much you can do and its just all bloody brilliant is all I can say!

    Oh and hoorah for having line taken out. That was one thing I was so so sooooo looking forward to and grinned like a right loony when they took my picc out. A proper bath!! hehe.

    All the cwtches to you and hope to be able to come and share some pints of coffee with you sooooon

    Litlle My xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Ems,


    Well done for driving, I'm not allowed to drive for at least another 5 weeks :-(

    You seem to be very chipper and a big WELL DONE for getting on with "stuff", my fingers are crossed for stable blood!

    Tight lines

    Tim xxx

  • good to hear its still going well and in the right direction total freedom once the hicky goes, not long before that first glass of wine, or have you already had one ha ha

  • FormerMember

    Hello LM... well, only driving a couple of miles here and there, and helping do dinners now, apart from that I am mainly lolling around! :)) And yes I am chuffed to have been with Deri when she changed over!

    Tim... poo to not driving for 5 more weeks, but it'll go quickly hopefully! I am feeling very positive - being holed up at the Heath for 3 weeks made me appreciate everything even more haha!

    Hi John... I tried half a glass of wine last Sunday, but as my tastebuds are still in recovery, it stil wasn't as enoyable as it used to be, but by next month, who knows? ;)

  • Hi Ems it's good to hear Deri likes her new school and has made friends it's such a big step going to a new school and as mums worry if they will be ok and will they have friends and settle in its such a relief when it goes smoothly.That you where able to be there when she started her new school is great you worked hard on getting that 0.5 so you could be there.I hope things just keep getting better and better for you.Enjoy your lie ins Much love and huge hugs Cruton xxxxxx