Farmer Cariad's Bumper Harvest, or When My Luck Was In

3 minute read time.

Hi gang

How are we all doing? I have been asleep or preoccupied and so have missed out on all new recently so I am very sorry if I have missed anything important?! :-/

As most of you now know, yesterday's stem cell harvest, day #1 of a possible 3, turned out VERY well and I did NOT need to go back :)))

They told me that they needed a stem cell level of a minimum of 0.8 to proceed (I was not made aware of this before the day and so was unaware that I could have been sent home again an hour after arriving, which was a little unsettling as I had nobody with me to take me home, having arrived by taxi and due to be picked up again at 5pm!) - they came back and said it was a level of 14, so, huzzah!

I was then wired up to the machine (I will try to add photos later) and told my arm with the cannula in had to stay completely still for SIX hours. Fab. ?? The big seat I was in was fully adjustable from all angles so that stopped me getting backache too badly. I had to drink very little as unable to be taken off machine for 6 hours, so either wait for a pee , or have curtains around me and use a commode. I managed to hold out for 6 hours.

This is a personal record for me and I wish it to be officially recognised. Thank you.

I tried to read my book using one hand and/or my lap. This was managed in short bursts. I played games on my phone, using my left hand. My signal was sporadic so could not text very frequently nor get onto Macland etc.

I resorted to taking photos and video footage of this bloody amazing machine! I guess its similar set up to dialysis? Other patients who came and went in the chair opposite me, having bloods or chemo etc, stared with open-mouthed amazement at the magickal machine. I felt like something out of a weird sci-fi film.

So much blood gushing into the machine! How can a machine recognise plasma and stem cells out of blood and separate and sort them into separate bags?? Fab! I had none of the side-effects mentioned. Just after it started up, I had a metallic taste in my mouth for a few minutes, but that was that. Oh, and feeling very sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepy.

At lunchtime the People From The Lab appeared and took a sample from my stem cell bag to give them an idea of how much I was producing and therefore how many days I'd need to be attached to machine. At 4pm, they told me that they need to collect between 2-4 'bags' worth of stem cells, 2 for transplant, 2 for spares. I had given them enough for 10 bags. HAHAHA! So I did not need to return at all! Huzzah again!

At 4.30, they disconnected me and I had to sit up carefully, and flex my by then very numb and stiff arm! Then go to the loo, have a drink, perform like a normal person (that took some covering up I can tell you!!) and the released! The pee was such a welcome one!!!!!!!!!! And then the coffee I bought downstairs was bliss!!

No bruise where cannula was inserted. Yay!

Just as I thought I was spared the hospitals for the rest of this week, the Heath called again this morning. Can I go in Thursday for a PET scan? This time it's an hour long and with arms above my head?! Joy. My back is already sore, so I told them I'm taking a small cushion for the small of my back and if the scan has to pause or be cancelled because I'm in pain, then so be it! I know I have to have this as its important for checking staging and progress etc etc, so let's hope my back behaves :)

Big huge hugs and love to you all, and don't click on photos if you don't like blood :D xxxxxx



  • FormerMember

    Well done Ems! All done in one day whilst sitting in one of their chairs and with a canula. Aren't you the model patient! Not like loopy lou here who always caused havoc wherever she went. At least I did end up in an en-suite room, because of me looking like a tart (clothes and legs akimbo ha ha), but then they only expected me to be in 2 days, and it was 4! Bet you didn't have the motorbike courier waiting to dash to the big city in the snow, because all the traffic was snarled up either.

    The machine is something else. One of the nurses was so fascinated by it that she actually took the bottom bit apart to show me how everything separated. WOW!

    They often say about the PET taking 1hour, but having had 3 I found that the longest time was lying in a dimly lit room listening to a CD (of my choice- some soothing Vivaldi) and the scan was only about 20 mins. Still prefer PET to CT scans as I hated the litre of liquid I had to have beforehand...and I often didn't get an hour to have it in.

    Oh, not weeing. Ha ha! I was fine until the nurse asked if I wanted to go. Silly woman had to help me into the en-suite, and that was when the blasted stuff wouldn't come out again however I placed my legs. Huh! That's where her finger came in handy! She had to stay there for a couple of hours!!!

    Cariadville should have a means of collecting bad cells and zapping them to extinction. I'm sure that these Farmville etc must have weedgathering or something resembling.

    As you are a well-behaved Cariad, you will get through the last couple of stages no problem, and then you will be causing even more havoc with the hippy lady from Sweden (wonder how she's got on with the wild ones today?)

    Biggest hugs xxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Ems, in reply to your question of what else we could harvest....

    I am the queen of poo. Plenty of that going here. Perhaps we could use it as fertiliser...? Oh hang on... err thinking that one through... ewwwwww. maybe not!

    All the love and hugs and hope you get a convenient scan time soon



  • FormerMember

    Hi Ems

    Big massive hurrahs for bumper harvests, wonderful pees, blissful coffee, no canular bruising and not having to go back to be attached to said wonder machine.

    Hope the scan goes OK and back doesn't hurt too much.  My eyes are watering al ittle at hands and arms above head as with frozen shoulder there is no way on earth they'd be getting me to do it!

    Much love and big squidgy hugs,

    Nin xxxxx