Day 13 - 2 sleeps ???

1 minute read time.

How are we all doing then?

Well my counts were hovering and being a bit sluggish so I talked to doctors and we all agreed having the booster (GSF) injection would help, especially as we're aiming to leave on Friday! I feel that I will, but I'm scared to say Yes for definite in case they need to do one last thing! Deri and I will explode if it's not Friday!!

The BMT nurse came round earlier to go through my discharge notes, which is also a good sign one hopes!

Finished all my books now, but not quite in mood to watch films despite having about 30 on that external drive from Ben!

EXCITING news is that Megan passed her driving test today! First time! Very exciting, also feels weird having a kid old enough to drive haha!!
I have lost 8 kilos, somewhere! My skin is as dry as anything, I have various lotions and potions to put on, some handmade by friends of mine, so keeping skin topped up, although the skin on my legs and breasts is peeling! No idea why those areas haha!

I'm SO ready to go home. I know I won't be able to do much, but it won't matter. And I'll have an appointment with local hospital, prob next week, for a check-up, which will be both odd and reassuring, because I have to say, there were times before transplant that I wondered if I would make it through!! Silly ? Probably, but it's big time stuff :)) Then a 3 month check up here too, so guessing I'll be popping to local hossie as and when necessary in between.

So, let's see what blood count says tomorrow!!

Much love and hugs to you all


  • FormerMember

    *hugs* to you and yay! for going home. Nothing had better happen to stop it, or there will be Words.


  • FormerMember


    you must be so excited to be going home and to get to where you are now must have taken considerable strength, you are one heck of a lady.

    well done to Megan for passing her test, there you go your own private Taxi !!!!!!!

    Here is to you, well done xxxxx

    Roobs xx

  • Hope things are good for tomorrow Must tell those blood cells to liven up no sluggish blood here.what great news your daughter passing her driving test and first time too well done Megan.It will be wonderful if if you can get home for Friday your little one will be over the moon to have her mum home.Lots of positive vibes comming your way much love huge hugs Cruton xxx
  • FormerMember

    Hey!! I commented on here and its not there now... hmmm I can't even remember what i said now.

    Lets start again.....

    I am glad they are giving you the boosters and like Hilary, you had better be coming home on Friday or else!! Actually, you could threaten them with Deri screaming at them, that might swing it...

    I am still singing the 0.5 song for you.

    It will be weird being home and expect to get floored a bit and a wtf??? in your head cos it does hit you like a sledgehammer the enormity of things when you get finish treatment.. esp big treatment like that. And no, not silly at all.... :) 

    yay for megs passing her driving test and I hope she can drive you around for a change, or at least pick up Bronny so you don't have to etc.

    So wishing you the magic 0.5 so you can have poached eggs and brie baguettes at home in your own bed (or your mum's at least)

    Ok, back to singing the song.... 0.5 lah lah laaaa

    You are one cool sweatpea and I love you very much.

    So looking forward to being able to see you again soooooooooooon :)

    All the hugs

    Little My xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Ems,

    After all you've been through and had to put up with, you deserve to be going home on Friday! Setting Deri on them seems a bit cruel after all that they've done for you but if needs must ....

    Yay for Megan passing her driving test, and first time as well. That will be  a big help for you.

    As LM says, finishing treatment and going home after all that attention is going to be very strange, but with 3 girls and LM on the case you've nothing to worry about.

    Good luck to getting 0.5 with or without the booster. Look after yourself and do take it easy; just wallow in being loved.

    Best welsh cwtches,

    Odin xxx