Bye bye Boob Tube!!

1 minute read time.

Morning everyone, hope you're all ok today? Hugs and love to you all.

Well, yesterday saw me arrive bleary-eyed at the hospital at 8 am. Mostly excited also slightly nervous (I remember the Hickman line going in and it wasn't pleasant!)

So I was very pleased when they said I was first on the list :)

Mr Blackett is the very good and very swear-y consultant, and he came up to get me to sign consent etc... on the line where it asked him what was benefit of operation, he wrote "to get rid of line!!" heehee!

Whisked off to theatre, there by 9.15, lots and lots of injections around the area to numb it all. He said, 'yours has been in a long time, so some of it might be stuck to tissue, if it is I'll just cut it away' BLEUGH, don't tell me, just do it!! 

So yes, some tube WAS stuck, and there was a lot of tugging and pulling and maybe my boob would be pulled off? The nurses came over then and held my hands! But only 15 mins later, it was done, and gone, and thrown in the bin, hoorah! 


Back on the ward by 10, the private ward, so therefore I had coffee and toast served to me haha! Told I could go home in 1 hour as long as I had a wee and didn't faint etc. Felt fine, called mum to tell her to please come pick me up at 11, sent texts to my friends, and ate toast :))


It was sore and tingly for a little while, but hardly anything by the afternoon. I went to bed at midday and slept til 4.30 (Deri was being picked up by friends and going for tea etc) and that made me feel better too :)


HOORAH!! Hickman boob tube, you're history! Oh, the relief! And no more awkward pouches to get in the way or tuck into your bra, no more dangling tubes getting in the way! Next week after stitches are out, DEEP baths!! 


