Beautiful People

1 minute read time.

Well, I have to confess to being somehwat bowled over by the lovely actions of some friends this week!! Funnily enough, LM and I had been muttering about trying to walk around one of the Race for Life routes this summer. With lots of pit stops ;-) Then, a couple of days ago, Claire asked if I'd mind if she set up a team page for people to run one of the routes in honour of me!!??!! I had a lot of dust in my eye after that...

Anyway, it happened! There's a facebook page to promote it and a Justgiving donations page to sponsor us all, and LM is coming along too and Claire put up a a target of £400 which got smashed in just 3 days so she's raised it to £600 now hahahaha!!!!!

Both LM and I commented earlier that it has made us realise what an enormous impact us having cancer has had upon our friends. I kinda knew that people were concerned and loving and supportive, but this whole team run thing has highlighted just how fucking amazing the people are that I know!!! I am overwhelmed, and thrilled, and stunned, and keep getting eye incontinence ;-)

It means more than I can express to know how loved I am, and to admit that I am loved actually! My step father said previously that he has been impressed by how brilliant my friends have been, and it's true. Not just running a race, which is fab, but the calls, the queries, the surprises, little gifts, the treats, hugs, holding my hand, little messages which can light up a gloomy day, just being there for me in a myriad of amazing and simple and very special ways. This includes my family, all of them, my daughters of course, my friends near and far, old and new, the hospital staff, and friends I met on Macmillan that I may never meet in the flesh but who have been just as supportive as my friend 1 mile away! Each and every one of them has helped me cope with bastard cancer in all sorts of ways. I don't know how I can ever truly express my gratitude.

I guess staying alive and truly kicking cancer's arse would be one way .... ?! ;-)

  • FormerMember

    Thank you everyone!! I was happily snoring away whilst you were sending lovely messages!

    Here's the link, thank you for asking!

    And happy birthday to LM today!!

    Hugs to all xxxxxxxxxx

  • Good luck to two really special ladies the determination you both have will get you to 5k and beyond.Cancer does let you know the ones who are there for you and the kindness of those who are not your family or friend never ceased to suprise me.So go girls and if anyone can kick cancers arse good style it's you two Cruton xxx
  • FormerMember

    Thanks, ems for birthday wishes :) x

    , and Cruton, I hope you are going to join us? you also are pretty good at kicking!! hehe that would be fab... xxx

  • FormerMember

    Wishing that I could join the two of you in the race for life.

    Sending lots of hugs and love xxxxxxxxxx

    Rooby xxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Dearest Ems and LM

    Oh you two fantastic ladies are probably the most inspirational women I am priviliged to know.  Amazing doesn't even come close and yes you must keep kicking bastard cancer's ass!  You are both so special and very much loved and I for one do not know what I would have done without you and lots of other fantastically kind and loving people here in Macland.

    Much love,

    Nin xxxxxx