Absenteeism. Or, why some days it's harder than others. And a funeral. Which explains a lot.

2 minute read time.

Hello my lovelies. Bit introspective today, so just scroll to next person if you don't want to read my blatherings :)

It's hard sometimes to read of so much shit caused by cancer.

Some days being here is amazingly helpful, occasionally I just can't read any more about pissflapping cancer! I am sorry if that upsets anyone. It may be the reason I am not commenting every day. I do read through the posts you write, but I don't always have the energy to reply, hoping instead that sending my love and blessings to you will suffice. Other days I lurk in the site until the early hours, leaving comments here and there. Weird how you are not always you when you're going through this fight. Oh yes, totally understandable, but how frustrating too!

And sometimes being a single parent with cancer hits me hard, most of the time it's fine, and I have amazing support, but cancer fucks with your head, as we all know! Of course, it's only useful having a partner when you have cancer if they don't run away or stick their heads in the sand and are of some use to you, I also realise that. Yes, I have my daughters here with me. But you can't lean on them when you want to be comforted or just hugged to sleep, too much pressure on them. And what is annoying me, is that I was ENJOYING life as a single person, rediscovering bits of myself (although the bit of me currently masquerading as a voluptuous belly may take some more time) and taking up new or forgotten hobbies, appreciating the laughs I have with my friends ... so now, the very act of  missing someone to be there for me can sometimes really piss me off!

There's no pleasing me today is there?! ;-)

And I suspect some of this is brought on by the fact I am off to Beatrice's funeral today. She was nearly 90, and is the mother-in-law of Deri's teacher, Jan. We sometimes sat in the Windsor suite together as yes, she had cancer too. She hated being bald and a lovely little OAP style wig, which occasionally would sit skewiff on her head :) She was a lovely woman, very sweet. She had been fighting it a little while longer than me. And in about November her strength started to go.

Jan's daughter was expecting her first baby in December, and it was a little late, as usual. Beatrice was poorly and admitted to the same ward as me when I was in, in December. On the Tuesday, the baby was born; he was brought up to see B Friday morning. By now she was not fully awake often but seemed she could hear people and respond a little. Her granddaughter sat and told her all about her baby, then went home.

On the Friday night I was a little agitated, wanting to try and catch Jan before she left the ward. When I saw Jan I knew why I had been restless. B had died. I think she was waiting to 'meet' her great-grandson :)

So I asked Jan last week if I could go to see B off. Because I liked B, and because Jan has been very supportive to me and Deri. So that's where I am off to shortly. Bright Blessings to Beatrice and her family!

Love to you all xxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Everyone,

     When my own wife was diagnosed, it brought us closer together, and in periods of remission, we had some fabulous times together. Your partners, ladies, are the ones who've lost the most. It's 25 years this year that I lost my wife, and how I miss her hugs now. I'm sending you some hugs Ems, a poor substitute for the real thing! Yes, it is difficult to get hugs from your daughters when you need them, but at least your daughters are a fabulous reason for kicking cancer's arse!

    What a fabulous woman, Beatrice must have been, and I'm glad she was able to hang on to see her great grandson. I'm sure it helped Jan to realise how much someone loved her mother-in-law.

    I understand what you mean about there being only so much about cancer and the suffering that you can take. No one will blame you if you haven't commented somewhere, you need all your energy to fight cancer.

    I look forward to this belly dancing troupe; are you going to dance at LM's wedding?

    Hugs and blessings to all,

    Odin xxx

  • FormerMember

    Odin you bad bad boy.  You just want to see a lot of voluptuous ladies wiggling, jiggling and strutting their stuff!  Men!!!!!!  You would fast change your mind if you saw my volupes jiggling and wiggling I can tell you!  xxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Oh ems, I was in my car when I read this on my phone and I so nearly drove to you to give you a big hug. I remembered that I didn't actually know where you lived so sitting in a coffee shop nearby might have been a bit silly and of course I needed to get home etc. Anyway, a huge squeezy hug from me and some sunshine and rainbows and happy stuff :)

     I am different from you lot in that I don't have much of a belly for that sort of dancing thanks to Hefty though it is creeping up so may be a reserve for your troupe!! So no baggy worries there! And invincilbes sort of defeat the purpose I reckon... I do have a mad image of bags like those nipple tassles hahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    And I have P. I have to say though that he isn't that tactile so I don't get snuggles in bed etc but he is there and I do get hugs if I ask and I know I am very very very lucky. It took cancer for him to realise how much he loved me. It had the opposite effect on him to Cruton's NH. It has been hard for the last 10 years or so but the thought of losing me was enough for him.... So, we are getting married :)

    Ems, I have met few people who are surrounded by as much love as you and I suspect that is because you are such a loveable person.... I know its not the same being a single parent and that is difficult no bones about it... but oh I don't know. Its shit I know. We are here to do the little we can do I guess and its not enough but you know.... errm rambly stuff. I love you.

    I said a little safe journey blessing to Beartrice too.

    I know it is not the same, but I am always here for you and only half an hour or so away so never feel alone. And you are now my chief wedding planner!!!!! OOoooh druids and everything. I am quite excited now!!! We have to get together soon to look at this.

    I know what you mean about the site sometimes. Once someone said they  thought there was too much happiness/silliness on here, I sometimes can't bear the sadness and of course it reminds me that it could be me. But you lot are so amazing and I skim over those bits excpet for my friends who are there.... Plus I am a bit like Hilary. Only 4 of us in my cancer type and very quiet. I

  • FormerMember

    I'm just popping in to give Odin a quick hug. *HUGS* And another one for Ems. *HUGS* And more for anyone as needs or wants them. As we have previously established, hugs are infinitely self-renewing, so they never run out.


  • FormerMember

    Hi Ems,

    Yes, it's hard being a single mum and when you're ill it hits you hard having to cope alone. Mostly it was only basic stuff like flu that made me wish I had someone to help me through, but there was a breast cancer scare when my daughter was about 7 & she was afraid I might die so had I to be really upbeat there. Luckily it was just a benign cyst but I still had to have surgery.

    Then there was an awful breakdown that had me off work for several months, and some later recurrences of horrid depression. You really need someone then, and I'm right with you on not wanting to lean on teenagers, you just can't.

    So I do understand where you're at, and why you want to skip this site now and then. For myself, I almost feel "guilty" that I've had good news, so haven't been around so much. Sometimes it seems to me that I don't deserve to be well because, unlike most people, I "brought it on myself" by smoking for so long. Ironically, I was chatting to an acquaintance today whom I hadn't seen for months, but who knew I'd had C. She's 6 months older than me, and still smoking, but said she wished she could stop. I thought - but didn't say - just get a cancer diagnosis, you'll soon quit!

    But back to you, lovely Ems: you know how loved you are here, and one day you will find a bloke who will be special to you, and for you. Until that happy day  :

    Hive & lugs,

    Annie  xxx