3rd day aboard Ship Gilwern

1 minute read time.
Yesterday went well, slept well and had a surprise visitor from afar. I DO wish typing here from your phone would allow paragraphs! I'll just have to go paragraph mad when I get home.... Well- I say I slept well - apart from being woken by the poor old lady next door who does impressions of a hacking hag every few hours or so which lasts for 5 minutes: 3am, then, I was shaken out of sleep for a good 15 mins whilst her lungs tried n failed to expel whatever foul mix is inside and whilst nurses dashed in and out. Good grief, poor lady, and also, my poor sleep! My eldest sent me excited texts from London - 6th form school trip - all day and my mum and Deri came visiting at 6 with shining examples of Deris correctly answered homework hehe! And some cuddles and miss-you's. Lump still a-shrinking heh heh heh!!! The jolly fabulous Jodie (sister of Windsor suite) has just come up and plugged my chemo in for today (did I tell you I'm on 2 drips? One runs for 24 hours) and said that considering what I've had shoved in me this week, I'm looking rather well :-)) so gold stars to YOU lot for all your good thoughts/best wishes/promises of no fishing/cwtchs etc! :-))) I AM more tired and napping a bit more but ..... Just to cheer LM up, just got in Wanker in conversation!! Heh heh! Jodie and I got chatting about my job and she mentioned something and then called someone a prick so I joined in haha! Phew! All I have to do now is sing about pisflaps.......... Xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • FormerMember
    The 24 one isn't chemo though you'll be pleased to know......
  • FormerMember

    Hi Ems,

    With all this attention and visitors and gifts, you won't want to go home, except for Deri and Co of course.

    Glad it's all going so well.

    Lump still a-shrinking Whohay!

    Notice I'm sending you lots of paragraphs.

    These are for you to use when you come out.

    Only one more day then home tomorrow!

    Best love and even more cwtches,

    Colin xxx

    PS Odin sends his love as well!

  • FormerMember
    Hi Col! Thanks for those spare paragraphs, very useful! I'm going to find the transition a bit odd yes! But mum will stay fri n sat nights to keep an eye on me! Ah yes, saw some of his ravens too.... Much love n cwtchs xxxxx
  • FormerMember

    If the lump is shrinking, then all this - and I'm sure it's not nearly as fun as you make it sound; *tilts head* you are so brave! - is worthwhile.

    I can never complain about my six-hour chemo again, though, you know that?

    Stay strong, honey - I know you will!

    'Pissflaps'. Honestly. You people!


  • FormerMember
    Hey Hils :-) Well, the anti-hemetics have been Top Form! Oops- sorry about that - mine was 3 hours a day over 4 days with accompanying anti-nasty-stuff going in 24/7. Yep. Pissflaps. *grins* love ya! Xxxxxx