Having a bit of a moan!

1 minute read time.

Waiting for my next lot of chemo.  Trying to get it at my local hospital but doctor want's me to go to Bart's, where I have been before and they were all very helpful and very nice, but I have to get the train and travel on the tube.  I'm not great with trains in the rush hour (that's mostly when my appointments are) all those people crushed together.  I'd been to Bart's for a PET SCAN one time, it makes you radioactive and you must not get near children or pregnant women. Well I had to travel home on the train after and was really concerned as to the amount of pregnant women and children I came into contact with. I found myself looking for every child and noticeable pregnancy to avoid.  Nightmare! 

My chemotherapist says to me you'll be ok, but then he's not the one having the treatment.  He tells me how well I look as do friends and family, but don't people realise that when you go out you make that extra effort to look and sound well.  People don't want to hear you feel ill or see you looking ill, so you do the best you can to cover it up.   I probably look a lot better than I feel.  After chemo and radiotherapy I've still got all my hair and still the same weight. I was encouraged to keep my weight up as I was trying to lose some weight during my first chemo. I still can't lose weight though. I will probably lose my hair with this next bout of chemo, I'm not too bothered really, if it helps reduce these tumours and gives me more time, well that's the most important thing and for most people hair does grow back.  Anyway, I've been looking at some lovely wigs, I can have several different hairstyles and colours and won't have to get the dye bottle out..lol..
