1 minute read time.

It's been a year since my first diagnosis of rectal cancer.  It's been 20 months since I first suspected I had cancer and went to my GP with those first signs of very small spots of blood in toilet and a constant stomach ache.  The GP dismissed my symptoms and said I had piles and injected me.  Went back several more times to surgery with symptoms getting more severe and GP becoming more patronising and dismissive.  The last straw was GP telling me I was obsessed, I was so upset and angry that I shouted at him 'I had watched my uncle die from bowel cancer'.  He was taken aback and had been to arrogant to even admit it could be cancer, as he had constantly told me he did'nt think I had anything sinister.  Not once during my visits to him did he ask me if there was any family history of cancer.  People tell me to complain about him, but will it do any good?  I've since heard he has made other wrong diagnosis of a life threatening nature.  Also the practise I attend has his name and partners above the door.  And with hospital appointments, treatment and major op, I haven't felt up for a fight, except with the cancer.  Only been back to surgery once for review of prescriptions.  Can't bring my self to go there, even though there are other doctors.

Apart from that my treatment which consisted of chemo/radiotheapy was very successful and my surgeon was able to remove the tumour completely.  Had excellent treatment, both physically and mentally from hospital staff.     My next battle is now with the secondary cancer of liver/lung.  I had a course of chemo beginning of the year and am about to start another course of chemo treatment.  My oncologist says I'm not suitable for surgery on my liver as I have too many spots (5).    Hopefully this next treatment will be successful and shrink these tumours.  

I feel as if I've been on a rollercoaster this last year!! 

  • FormerMember

    Hi Chrissy,

    I am so sorry your gp was so useless it really upsets me when I hear stories like your's, he should be stuck off but know he won't be , they are a law unto themselves.

    Am glad your op was a sucess and do hope the chemo works for you.

    My gp was very good as soon as I went with rectal bleeding he sent a sample off and wth in a month was seeing surgeon about my op, which went well, but mine had spread to lungs, which they did'nt pick up for along time.

    I have just finished  12 sessions of chemo, scan showed no change in lung mets so having 3 mth break from chemo. I wish they could cut mine out but like you there are too many on both lungs.

    Good luck with chemo , would like to keep in touch to see how you are doing.

    Love Pam x 

  • FormerMember

    Hi Pam, 

    Thank you for you comments, I'm glad your gp was better than mine.  He wasn't my regular gp, I was referred to him as he is the surgeon in the practise.  I agree they are a law unto themselves and are literally getting away with murder.

    I like you have been on a break from treatment, my oncologist worked it round my daughter's wedding, which was on July 28 th, so I wouldn't be feeling ill.   It took my mind off the cancer for a short while, it was a wonderful day and my daughter looked stunning as did her partner and my 2 grandchildren.

    Sorry to hear there's no change in your lung mets.  Will you be having more chemo in the future?  I feel the same about having it cut out.

    Would love to keep in touch Pam.
