Life can be so cruel

1 minute read time.

I have not been on the site for a while as there was a lot of doubt about the genuineness of people and accussations of people being too negative, but things are still going down hill and I needed to let off some steam where no one knows me and I can rant without people saying that I should just be grateful that he is still here.

Dad has had a really hard time recently with an operation on his spine, a tumour taken off his face and now being told that the cancer has spread to his bones. Life does not seem to give him a break but he is so very brave and soldiers on. Some days he looks so old and fragile, gone is the man who rode his motor bike with us and ran around like a child. It is really hard to see him fighting so hard yet getting knocked back all the time. Life can be so cruel. I find all of this so difficult and want to make it better for both of them. You always hope that your parents retirement will be happy and healthy after they have worked so hard through their lives but that was not meant to be. I love my parents so much and I hate to see them go through this. I dread the thought of dad deteriorating but the hospital have warned that this will be the case it is just a case of when but who knows when that will be. I wish we could turn the clock back. For anyone who has the chance make the most of the good times that you have as at some point they won't be able to be done. Small things make such a difference. I wish we could go back and have those times again. I really miss the little things like him being able to walk places and just have his independence. I wish that life could be kind to him and give him a break but I find this unlikely given the circumstances - not being negative just realistic. I hope that we have another Christmas together and enjoy any time that we may have as best we can. Life is cruel x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Hollow,

    My Mac Friends say it all. Just to let you know you are never alone if you want to scream and shout .

    If you want to talk there is always some one here to listen. You and your Dad and Mum are in my thoughts.  Look after yourself and eachother.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Just wanted to say thank you for all your support and kind words. It is such a difficult time and your words do bring comfort. I will make every moment count and will always be there for dad and my mum. I have no brothers or sisters but I have a wonderful husband who supports me, Sometimes though it is good to talk to people who understand this strange journey and how it effects everyone involved. Thanks again for all your kind words.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Hollow,

    I empathise and understand exactly how you feel as many here on mac do.  At weekend my dad fell on the floor with pain and couldn't get up again, mum had to ring me and hubby and we rushed round to pick him up.  It's so painfull to see the slow deterioration and my strong and independant dad going.

    Life can be harsh, but it is also a wonderful gift and even private moments of reflection and chat with a parent is a precious moment.  Hoping we can both enjoy a good Christmas with a complete family.

    Take care

    Jan x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Jan, sorry to hear about your dads fall. Dad had a fall in the hospital and he felt so vunerable as he could not get up. It is sad to watch their health deteriorate and see them loose their independence. My dad used to ride a motorbike and we loved going out together but last week we had to sell it as he feels that he is not well enough to ride and will not ride again. I feel so sorry for him and feel that we have lost something so special, I did him a photo book of his motor biking career and he seemed pleased. I have been trying to make the most of our time and we take him out in the wheel chair and try and give him some special time, for us as well as him. We had some fireworks last week and it was nice to see him happy and enjoying himself even though he was sitting and watching. I really hope that we both get the Christmas that we want. I do think that this awful journey does make you appreciate life and family more. thanks for your kind words and thoughts.

    Take care Becky x