Life can be so cruel

1 minute read time.

I have not been on the site for a while as there was a lot of doubt about the genuineness of people and accussations of people being too negative, but things are still going down hill and I needed to let off some steam where no one knows me and I can rant without people saying that I should just be grateful that he is still here.

Dad has had a really hard time recently with an operation on his spine, a tumour taken off his face and now being told that the cancer has spread to his bones. Life does not seem to give him a break but he is so very brave and soldiers on. Some days he looks so old and fragile, gone is the man who rode his motor bike with us and ran around like a child. It is really hard to see him fighting so hard yet getting knocked back all the time. Life can be so cruel. I find all of this so difficult and want to make it better for both of them. You always hope that your parents retirement will be happy and healthy after they have worked so hard through their lives but that was not meant to be. I love my parents so much and I hate to see them go through this. I dread the thought of dad deteriorating but the hospital have warned that this will be the case it is just a case of when but who knows when that will be. I wish we could turn the clock back. For anyone who has the chance make the most of the good times that you have as at some point they won't be able to be done. Small things make such a difference. I wish we could go back and have those times again. I really miss the little things like him being able to walk places and just have his independence. I wish that life could be kind to him and give him a break but I find this unlikely given the circumstances - not being negative just realistic. I hope that we have another Christmas together and enjoy any time that we may have as best we can. Life is cruel x

  • FormerMember


    I read your blog and thought that you could do with a huge hug! ((())) In don't have any words of wisdom but can only say that from a parents perspective you are doing everything that we could wish for by being there and being you.... I get such a warm feeling reading your words because you are so caring and yes life is cruel, cancer is cruel it does not discriminate about who it hurts on its journey into our lives.

    Keep strong and keep those memories alive and kicking... however long or short a time you have make each day count, I know how precious each and every memory is to me, they are the strength that keeps us motivated to kick evil disease.

    Amanda xx

  • FormerMember


    Yes you are right life is cruel. You look back on life and become aware that the times that you thought were bad really were not that bad  when you compare living with cancer. Before the cancer hits you take so much for granted. Then if your lucky the treatment works and you go back to taking thigs for granted again. When you get the final blow that is it there's no more that can be done you really know how bad, bad is. 

    The amonut of times you then say, 'if only i could turn the clocks back' but you can't. I agree you can't always change the negative into something positive. When you see somebody very ill its hard to 'make the most of'. These times are not the best times they are bloody horrible. Most of the time you are preoccupied with what is to come. So no i don't think you are negative i think you are realistic.

    Sorry you are in this situtation, do come back and let it all out. We have been there we know the score and probably most of us who are dealing with terminal illness or loss are trying to survive as best we know how.



  • FormerMember

    Hi Hollow

    I'm really sorry you are in such a sad a cruel place in your life.  My thoughts are with you and your family.  I know how hard it is to watch someone you love suffering from this cruel and callous disease.

    This is the place to come when you need to let it out.  Nobody judges you and we will give you all the support and love we can when you need it.

    Big hugs and much love,

    Nin xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Hollow (((((((((((((((XXX)))))))))))))))))

    If only......I have seen my Dad go to bloody "C" and my Mum went into a diabetic coma, hubby is now battling daily with the after effects of "C".

    Its a bloody cruel world and "C" is a bastard.

    We all want to turn the clock back but we know that wont happen, all we can do is try and be there for matter how hard it is for you, and I know it is heartbreaking....every second is important, a memory, and not always sad ones love.

    If you didnt love them as you do, you wouldnt be hurting. They love you too so kiss, cuddle, tell him how much you love him, joke with him, hell even moan at him....its all time together making memories.

    I wish I could ease your breaking heart, but alas I cant, just know that we all feel your pain of helplessness, disbelief, anger etc, etc and are here when you need us.

    Shaz ((((((((((XXX))))))))))))))))

  • FormerMember

    Hi Hollow,Cant add much more than our mac friends on a more positive note,i read the book from cancer care about bone cancer and it can be very slow growing,My Pete as had a couple of spots and they have not got any worse in a year ,he also as bowel ,liver ,and lung he is on a inhibiter drug at the mo,scan on thurs,he as been on and off chemo 6yrs,but like your dear dad he just battles on ,read our profile,warm hugs Chris.xx Nanny b glad you enjoyed your halloween ,i to went away to butlins skeggy with the kids and grandkids and friends a welcome break and Pete was ok thank to everyone.x