Waiting for the first 'real' meeting with consultant

1 minute read time.

After some flu like symptoms after the New Year and swollen neck glands which didn't really respond to the anti biotics, I found myself in front of the Doctor being told serious but not life threatening, but you have CLL.  Please go to the Haematology clinic.  In a state of shock and having searched and read all I could I went to the clinic in January and saw an intern who confirmed diagnosis and said come back in 6 months.

The six months are up and I go back at the end of June for blood tests.  In the meantime I have felt fit and healthy and not really noticed anything. I guess that I have been in denial and actually haven't told anyone of the diagnosis other than my wonderful wife.  So the kids, parents etc etc do not know.  Not sure that thsi is the right thing right now or not.

So looking forward (if that's the right term) to the clinic and to see where we are.  Loads of questions to ask and I have been keeping a log of symptoms as and when they happen - not often fortunately!  I have found that keeping a written log of symptoms and thoughts has been useful to me. Hopefully the clinic will continue on a Watch and Wait prognosis. 


  • FormerMember

    Hi Chris.   I've recently joined this site too and I can assure you there is so much help and support for  here.  I will keep an eye on your blog to see how you are getting on.  I wasn't keen when people suggested blogging, but I'm finding it theraputic. It passes the time when I am resting and keeps up my typing speed.   I guess I was a bit in denial over my diagnosis too.  I just couldn't believe there was anything wrong with me, I still can't understand why someone with cancer can feel fit and healthy.  As for telling people, well that's a difficult one.  Does it do you good to be carrying a secret around?  Or have you good reasons for protecting loved ones from the news?   I decided to tell family and friends eventually.  But I have kept it from a few people, especially those who I've only met over the internet for example.  I find I need to be able to chat about trivial stuff like nail varnish and have a good girlie gossip with someone who doesn't know I have cancer.  I wasn't too sure how to break the news to my family and I got a  good booklet from my Macmillian nurse.  If you haven't seen it I'd recommend reading it.  It's called "Talking About Your Cancer".  Best wishes.  Margaret. 

  • FormerMember

    Hi- I am in exactly the same  state and so can really relate to what you feel. I felt on top of the world till a routine blood test last week  resulted in a  visit to a consultant and the  dread news that I almost certainly have CLL. Now have the wait for results of further tests to see how bad/quickly things are moving with a date  with destiny on 24th December. The thing is  like you I feel fine at the moment - if we could  only get to grips with the stress and uncertainty ! 

    Best wishes. Parslow

  • FormerMember

    hello Chrisw

         well you have had a year,the waiting is the worse part ,of this thing but you are in the right place here as there will be a lot of people willing to listen to you and support you as much as they can. I know asi have usedthis site for the past five years,i did have neck and base of tongue cancer,only the other month i was told that i would be signed off in jan, then two weeks ago i fell ill and was taken into hospital there they did some tests and they told me that the cancer in my neck was back and also i had lung cancer in my right lung,i now am playing the waiting game for them to see what they are going to do,keep your chin up and keep us all informed as to what happens.

     regards    grandadbob14  aka  (james)