
1 minute read time.

Hi all,

I used to use this site to help me grieve for both my parents that lost their battle with cancer.

I am now back because it may be that I have to fight this battle too.

I lost my mum when I was 16 and my dad when I was 19. Now I am 21 and undergoing tests to see if I have Lymphoma.

I have been going to the doctors for months because of worsening symptoms.. but doctor seemed baffled as to what it is I could have.
Then in July, 2 lymph nodes swelled and have not gone back to their original size... just increased.
On one of my visits I pointed these out and the doctor said that it will be because of an infection and they should go down in a couple of days to a week.
2 months later they are still growing so he booked me in for a CT scan and maybe a biopsy to follow - I guess depending on what they find during the scan.

I should be getting the date of my scan tomorrow. Fingers crossed anyway.

I decided that I shouldnt be dealing with this on my own so I told a few close friends of mine. I guess they think they are helping when they tell me to stop being silly and I couldnt possibly have cancer. But it frustrates me because they know my family history (alot of other members of my family have lost their battle with cancer too as well as my parents) so surely they should understand why im upset and scared?

Im not sure as to why im posting this blog.. I guess so I can speak to people and gain support  without receiving criticism for "thinking the worse".

Take care




  • FormerMember

    Hello again Charlii.   I hope that you do visit the A&E tonight and they sort you out ...... fingers crossed that you also have a scan date, please don't give up on it. Take care and good luck.

    Joycee x