what a rubbish day

1 minute read time.
well where do i start. i went for my follow up today from my op and didn't get the news i was expecting. right so first of all they said i had 4 nodes which were infected, 2nd i have to have another op as they need to take out just a bit more, 3rd had my drain out but got an infection from the dressing so got to go on anti biotics. phewww.....so my emotions got the better of me and i broke down in floods of tears on the bed while the nurse was trying to take my drain out. i am just annoyed that my radiotherapy has to be delayed. i know it will only be by a couple of weeks, but it was all going so well and on course to finish begining of july, but now its looking like end of july begining of august. I am sure in a few days once the shock has died down it wont seem half as bad as i think, and plus i would rather they do another op and take out a bit more, then leave it only to disscover they missed some of the tumour,
  • Hi Littlestar,

    I understand your frustration with delays. My surgery was delayed because I had shingles - surgery scheduled for November was delayed and delayed until January. Then radiotherapy was delayed by another lot of surgery... and then it was delayed because my arm movement was impaired and I couldn't put my arm high enough above my head for the radiotherapy to zap my breast. In the greater scheme of things these delays don't affect the outcome of the treatment. I know we all feel a sense of panic and want to get rid of the 'nasty' a.s.a.p but... you just have to go with the flow. Like the title of that TV show - "It'll be alright on the night!".

    Good wishes,


  • FormerMember

    sorry to hear about this setback but as you say, it is better they do what needs doing now than discover something later on. Nothing wrong with having  a good weep, I've done it myself at treatment a couple of times.  Hope you are feeling better soon.  love to you, Marly

  • FormerMember

    I sympathise with your frustration and just want to give a caution about drains.

    When I had my mastectomy I had two drains in and when you are told that you can go home when the drains have stopped and a weekend is fast approaching, it is a natural response to want those drains out asap.

    However, if too much fluid is left behind, the damaged lymph system won't clear it for months and you may get an infection in the wound site as I did after chemo.

    That infection caused an abscess on the wound scar which needed surgery to drain and a further 8 weeks to heal, thus delaying the radiotherapy by 2 months.

    So make sure you help the drains as much as you can by laying in the best draining postion because you really need to get rid of that fluid.

    best wishes for the next part of the treatment.