hot sweats

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Just wondering if anyone else is or has suffered from this. I have had my chemo and op now waiting to have radiotherapy. this past week i have been getting really hot a few times during the day then at night it seems to be worse. I have to have the window open then close because i get cold, i have to chuck the duvet of then pull it back on, its a nightmare, and i am not sleeping very well either. I am only 25 and i am worried that this is the start of the big M. I didnt harvest any of my eggs when i was offered before i started treatment as it just didnt seem important at the time and to be honest it was all a blurr at the time anyway. I am also starting to worry that there is something else wrong with me now and of course another cancer developed or something has crossed my mind. Any ideas anyone or help would be great.
  • FormerMember

    Yes, I've had  them in the past but since I had surgery I've had really bad ones with sweat dripping off my chin.I asked the oncologist but he didn't know except to say that it could be the steroids. I've stopped them now but the sweats are still as bad.I have bowel cancer so not linked with hormones. It's not the big M for me I'm 61. I'm puzzled.


  • FormerMember

    Ask questions...push.  If it is not normal for you then it is not normal.  Ask for a work up of your symptoms.

  • FormerMember

    i got this to and no one new why got a pillow called chllow on web goes inside your own pillow and coool down the boby was shocked but it worked was 20.50.but i still use it and my chemo stoped in sept if anyone else has one write what u thought then u can then decide what u think