feeling nervous

1 minute read time.
mixed emotions really. I am really pleased at how my wound had healed up, and i dont think the scar is going to look bad at all. Also my arm is alot better and can do things i found hard before so it is improving. Also my hair is really coming along now and i can see my eyelashes are also getting longer, and eyebrows are much improved and stopped falling out now. So they are the good bits, the reason i feel nervous is that i have a follow up tomorrow from my 2nd op. I am real scared that they are going to give me bad news, like sorry we have to operate again or they have found more cancer which wasn't there before etc etc, my mind wonders and thinks all sorts of things. I just hope and pray they give me good news and say the tissue they removed from 2nd op was clear and no bad cells found. I just want to get on with my radiotherapy now and don't want it delayed for a 2nd time. I really want to go on hols on sept/oct and worried that if any more delays i wont be able to go. Just worried about what i am going to be told tomorrow.
  • FormerMember

    Hi Littlestar

    Good Luck for your app tomorrow, I hope it all goes well.  It must be worrying for you it is very natural to feel like that. Easy for me to say I appreciate that, but keep your chin up and try to stay positive, negativity only brings you down.  I am thinking about you.

    Jo Mac (Joan)

  • FormerMember

    Of course you are nervous, its natural but no point worrying about what you don't know.  I hope it all goes well tomorrow and that your results are clear, then it onwards towards the holiday :o)

    Take care and let us know how you got on

    Carol xx

  • FormerMember

    Good luck tomorrow.
