laryngectomy carer for my mum

1 minute read time.

hi my mum under went a total laryngectomy operation in feb also she had to have her thyroid gland removed , also also part of her tummy removed and her osophergus pulled up and stitched in her neck . this was a life changing operation for mum .

i am just amazed how well she is doing as its only been 4 mths since the op . her diet has changed as she can only manage to eat tiny meals as her tummy has been made smaller . she has lost alot of weight but the doctors said she will put some back on once everything settles down . the only thing i must say is mum is extremley tired all the time but thats not surprising for what she has been through !

she is waiting to have a voice valve fitted in june so she is looking forward to having a voice once again its been hard for mum not being able to speek again but like i said there will be no stopping her once she gets the hang of the voice valve .

well i would love to hear from anyone that has had this op - or wants to know anything about this op as i think it helps us all knowing we are not alone .

  • FormerMember

    Hi Lisa,

    I know exactly what you and your Mums going through.

    If you read my Profile and I can be of any help, any questions you would like to ask just let me know. If I can

    answer them I will.  Look after eachother.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    thankyou for you kind message it was nice to hear from someone that has been through the same as mum . one question i would like to ask is did you have any problems with putting weight on after the operation ? mum is loosing so much weight still a few pounds each week . i have told the consultant and they told us to see the dietican who told mum to have caleshake drinks as they contain 600 calories per drink . did you have the same problem with weight loss ?

    i hope your well and looking after yourself xx

  • FormerMember

    Hello Lisa im very happy that youre mum is doing well. Me and my brother just recieve the news from my dad Dr that he will need to have the total laryngectomy done, Mydad  have had  the radiotherapy done previosly and appartly i did work so know we are all so scare, that we dont know what to do. First we discuss the opcion A not to have the operation done i hope for the best, them opcion B to have the operation and deal with all the changes that need to be done. I have told my dad that even if he take opcion A ther could be alot of problem were he will suffer during the way and that we will provably will need a couple of operation to be done during tha time.